Class Info
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About Us
Ever wonder why everyone
else seems to be having all the fun?
Could it be that having a dream is only half
the equation?
It takes action to make dreams into reality!
At Windsong taking
action is both affordable and fun!
Call today to see what the future could hold in
store for you!
instruction is only a part of the Windsong experience. Each class is
designed to maximize fun and social interaction while developing skills
and understanding
of sailing."
Lake Lanier Digest
provides the opportunity to sample sailing inexpensively to see if you like
Atlanta Magazine
All programs are
designed for individuals, couples, and families who want to learn in a fun
and supportive atmosphere.
"Sail Away with
Windsong Sailing Academy"
Looking for that
special activity to share with someone special?
Let Windsong help you
make that happen!
Looking for that
special activity to share with someone special?
Let Windsong help you
make that happen!
Power boating is about
reaching a destination.
Sailing is about
embarking on a life long adventure!
Come join us
for the first day
of the rest
of your life!
At Windsong we provide
thorough training from A-Z.
Spot training does not produce spotless sailors!
Come let the wind set
you free!
Is Not The End
Of Your Training. IT'S
Even The
Of The End. IT
Be The End Of
The Beginning. BUT...
You Must Continue To Train The Rest Of Your Life BECAUSE...
Sailing Will Change Your Life.
Training Will Continue To Enhance Your Enjoyment And Safety.
The virtue of a man is
not in what he knows, but in knowing what
he doesn't.
Windsong Sailing
Contact us today to register for

Windsong Is Different |
-No Annual Dues!
-No Deposits Required!
-Affordable Parks and
Recreation Sponsored
Programs. |
- Repeat Any Ground
School For Free,
For Ever!
-Fully Refundable
4 Day Before Class! |
your convenience and safety review our "Guidelines
For Participation". Your registration and participation in
our programs implies your knowledge of and agreement with these terms.
A Complete
Curriculum of Introductory and Continuing Education Programs. 
Over 24
excellent programs from which to choose! More than any other
An incredibly
flexible array of options, classes, dates, times, boats and locations. 
A.S.A. and U.S.
Sailing year round certification options.
Don't get fooled, You can learn the basic mechanics of sailing in a
weekend or two, BUT Sound judgment and safe habits only come through practice over an extended period, and at
Windsong, our outings are priced to encourage you to sail all season for less than you'd spend for a single course at other schools!
Sequence Of Classes:
You can take the following ground school classes in any order except where "Pre-requisites"are noted, but you must take the ASA written exams in
numerical order.
You can begin your sailing outings while
waiting for the ground school dates or the ground school classes while
waiting for openings on a sailing outing. It doesn't matter which you
begin first, you'll enjoy and learn from the very first moment of your
All "100" level classes
are ground schools, and "200" levels are the
on-the-water counterparts for the "100" level classes. All of the "300" level classes are
non certification programs and are provided as electives for enrichment
and sailing enjoyment.
Experience has taught us that sailing and navigation
knowledge and abilities get rusty without frequent and regular use.
Many schools only offer courses, but at Windsong we offer solutions.
Our solution to learning is fun and methodical in practice and
availability. Our programs are offered year round in several convenient
locations. Once you complete your ground school classes, you can return
year after year to audit these fine programs at no additional cost.
This policy is designed to ensure "Success Without
Stress!" This ensures that your knowledge and abilities remain current and continue
to advance year after year. Our continuous on-the-water sailing
outings are scheduled separate from ground school classes and are
available to you at your convenience.
Certification Exams:
Windsong conducts sailing programs for the Parks and Recreation
Service as an adult sport and recreation facility. For that reason
not all of our students desire certification. To offer the most
affordable and attractive programs possible the cost of certification is
not included in our fees stated below, since there are many students who
are not interested in the certification option. Those who do desire
certification can elect that option at anytime during their
training. A.S.A. certification consists of a written exam followed
by demonstration of skills, knowledge and abilities on-the-water.
Written exams are available for 101,103,104,105 & 106 programs for an
additional $65. The sailing exams are conducted during the regular sailing
outings at no additional cost.
Click Here For Our
Course Map
Check out what
our students are saying about us! (Click
All Classes are
unless otherwise noted.
To take advantage of the Early
Bird Discount ($179),
payment must be received
60 days before class date.
Weeknight Classes:
Tucker Recreation Center 6:30-9
Weekend Classes:
- Tucker Recreation Center 10-4
Sundays - Snug Harbor
Boats Sailing Center 11-5
- Sunrise Cove Marina. 11-5
BKB-101: Basic Keelboat Sailing Theory
You'll learn proven tricks and easy-to-master methods for safe and easy
sailing as this 5-hr ground school course simplifies the elements of sailing while covering the
physics and theory of how everything really works! This course is
approved by the National Association of Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA)
and the U.S. Coast Guard as a recognized Safe Boating Course. As such, it
meets all requirements for mandatory education and licensing for every state
in the United States. This is a fun
class! Come join us. You'll be glad you did! In
conjunction with this ground school class, students book
Outings at their convenience. Check
our Calendars
for class dates and times. Checkout some terms
you may have always wondered about.
Requirements: The desire for adventure and
Click to read the
A.S.A. Basic Keelboat Sailing Standard (101)
Basic Coastal
If coastal cruising is your desire, attend this two evening cruising school
conducted in our classroom facility in Atlanta, then choose one of our coastal locations
for a follow up three day adventure to complete your training. You'll
learns all our trick and tips for success! Check our Calendars
for class dates and times.
Click to read the A.S.A. Basic
Coastal Cruising Standard (103) BBC-104: Bareboat Chartering
If chartering is in your future, our two-evening Atlanta based chartering
program will prepare you. After the ground school, you'll choose one of our coastal
locations for your three day ocean training where you'll complete your understanding of the
knowledge and skills required. This class will ensure that your first
charter experience will be memorable for all the right reasons! Check
our Calendars
for class dates and times.
Click to read the A.S.A. Bareboat Chartering Standard (104)
CON-105: Coastal Navigation
Now you too can charter your own vacation along the waterways.
Complement your skills with the security of understanding how to do your own navigation
using marine charts and other government publications.
Our extensive curriculum consist of a sequence of three
individual courses.
This three-evening 7
1/2 hr
will cover the chart plotting techniques and navigation theory
(Bow & Beam Bearings, DR, EP, RF, Fix, 60DST, Danger
Bearings, Tides & Depth calculations) for easy and successful cruising. This
course includes an exhaustive survey of
the government and private publication every prudent mariner should be
aware or have on board.
Course Fee: $199, Supplies:
Requirements: A basic calculator and pencil.
This 5 hr classroom "Cruise"
provides the application and practice of the theory learned in the
navigation core theory class. Many programs only "Discuss" the
navigation tools. This class provides the opportunity to apply and
practice your theory knowledge during an extensive classroom cruise
designed to stretch and solidify your understanding and skills.
Course Fee: $199
Requirements: A
This 3 hr Lake Lanier on-the-water
navigation "Challenge" offers the reality of navigating in a constantly
moving environment presenting real world issues and opportunities to
consolidate and solidify your navigation knowledge, skills and tricks
learned in our earlier programs in this excellent navigation sequence of
classes. Limit 7 Students.
Course Fee: $70
Requirements: A
our Calendars
for class dates and times.
Click to read the A.S.A. Coastal Navigation Standard (105)
ACC-106: Advanced Coastal Cruising
Pre-requisites: BKB-101, BCC-103, BBC-104, CON-105
Gain the knowledge and abilities to safely act as
skipper and crew of a sailing vessel 30 to 50 feet sailing day or night in
any conditions. Emphasis will be on seamanship, watch rotation
systems and advanced physics including storm sail sheeting options, CE/CLR
relationships, heave-to combinations, lying-a-hull, sea drogues, rafting,
dinghy issues, anchor watches, towing bridles, dismasting, grounding,
engine maintenance, spar and rigging maintenance and radar.
our Calendars
for class dates and times.
Click to read the A.S.A. Advanced Coastal Cruising Standard (106)
CEL-107: Celestial Navigation
4 Class nights. Course Fee: $399. Sextant rental fee: $25
Pre-requisite: CON-105
Never again rely upon expensive and often unreliable electronic navigation
equipment. Learn the age old true and tried methods of celestial navigation in this
four-evening class which covers navigation using the sun, moon, stars and
our Calendars
for class dates and times.
Class Location: Sandy Springs United Methodist Church.
Requirements: A Trig
Calculator. Pre-requisite:
Coastal Navigation 105.
Synchronize your watches:
Here For Time Site)
MM-300: Marine Meteorology
Don't leave the docks until you understand nature's
effect on your comfort
and safety. This excellent two-evening class is quite in-depth and covers the
practical issues of meteorology whether for the family picnic or an offshore
Check our Calendars
for class dates and times.
Check out what
our students are saying about us! (Click
Sailing Outings
(From Holiday Marina & Aqualand Marina facilities)
Tennis Shoes or Boat Shoes.
Personal Rain gear.
Zippered Gear Bag for personal items.
Jeans With Riveted
Pockets, or Dresses.
Open Toe Sandals, Boots or
Black Sole Shoes.
ISL/ISA-201: Instructional
Sailing Outings
(Lanier & Allatoona)
2 hrs $70.
Bird Discount ($65), for
reservations made 60
days before the outing.
Whether you've just taken the Basic Sailing
Theory ground school or you're waiting for the next class offering, join our weekly weekend two-hour sailing outings on Lake
Lanier. The sailing outings are designed to compliment the ground
school programs with "hands on" training. Depending on the size
vessel, classes are limited to 4 or 5 students. Enjoy our fleet of
tiller and wheel vessels ranging from 20 to 28 ft. You decide when to sail and for how long.
Select one
or several outings combined for a full day of fun filled instruction. Sail
with us all season or until you've achieved your personal goals. Private outings are available, so invite your friends along for a
leisurely sail aboard one of our private captained adventures! Basic
Keelboat certification is available upon completion of the written exam
and the sailing skill sets. Although the Basic Sailing Theory ground
school is highly recommended in conjunction with the sailing
outings, they are not a requirement due to our "open campus"
approach conducted by the Parks and Recreation programs. We teach you how
to sail on the water, but the ground schools are intended to help you
understand the physics and theory of how it all works. It doesn't
matter which you learn first, but for a more complete understanding and
enjoyment you really should plan to attend both! We train in
realistic conditions, so come wind, no wind, rain or shine all outings are
conducted whenever we can ensure your safely, so come prepared to experience all the gusto!
How can you sail without wind, you say? There are many skill sets to master before becoming a competent sailor.
Many are not wind related. Anchoring, departing, docking, marlinspike, boat systems, radio
communications, rules of the road, meteorology and navigation are just a
few of the drills that we conduct during those brief periods of wind
lulls. Check our Outings
web page for dates and times.
BCB-203/204: Coastal Classes
No Prior Experience Or Boat Ownership
- 4 days:
BCC and BBC - 5 days:
Requires Prior
Experience Or Boat Ownership
BCC or
BBC - 3 days:
Upon completion of the Basic Coastal Cruising (BCC)
Bareboat Charter (BBC) ground school classes, travel to our facility in
Burnt Store Marina, Punta Gorda
(near Ft. Myers Florida)
to apply your new knowledge as you navigate the tidal
waters of Charlotte Harbor. You'll gain valuable experience
sailing in the bay, offshore, and along the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW).
You should plan your travel to arrive Thursday night and make reservations
to stay at one of the local Inns or
Burnt Store Marina Inn. Friday morning
at 9 am you'll
come aboard to spend four days sailing the bay, ocean
and ICW. At least one night will be spent at anchor and one in a marina where you'll dine
with your classmates by the waterside. Evaluations
on the final day will end around 3 pm.
This can be an exotic
vacation outing or a challenge of the A.S.A. Basic Coastal Cruising or
Bareboat Charter "on-the-water" certification. With
special approval, both
certifications may be combined
for a 5 day class provided that everyone in the class agrees and are strong
candidates to challenge both certifications. To combine
certification with a mini vacation, additional days can be added at
$295 per day. If you'd feel more
comfortable with the volatility of weather, airlines, your health and
business conflicts you may elect to purchase travel insurance to cover
these risks. You may choose from many fine underwriters including
Insure My
Check our Calendars
for class dates and times.
ACC-206: Advanced Coastal Cruising
Pre-requisites: BKB-101, BCC-103, BBC-104, CON-105
Requires Prior
Experience Or Boat Ownership
5 days: $1699, ASA
Certification Written Exam included.
No Prior Experience Or Boat Ownership
6 days: $1899, ASA
Certification Written Exam included.
7 days: $2199, ASA
Certification Written Exam included.
Gain the knowledge and abilities to safely act as
skipper and crew of a sailing vessel 30 to 50 feet sailing day or night in
any conditions. Emphasis will be on seamanship and navigation.
Depending on the program selected, you'll sail in the Gulf from Punta Gorda to either Venice
or Naples or to the Dry Tortugas, depending on the weather. You will stand watch, navigate and
all aspects of the operation of the vessel. All meals, except
dinners when in port, and docking is
included in the cost of the course.
Check our Calendars
for class dates and times.
MSS-301: Sunset/Moonlight Cruises
3 hrs $70
During the summer, join one of our monthly social outings
and enjoy the companionship of your "someone special" and that
of others aboard your relaxing sail into the sunset!
Light snacks and soft drinks are provided during the Saturday evening cruises to complete your special evening on
the water. Even if "Romance
Isn't In The Air", it is still a great way to introduce a "non sailor" to the
joys of being on the water, so make reservations to bring your
"special significant other" along to share the evening. Check
our Outings
web page for dates and times.
FUN-302: Fun Sails
2 hrs $70
So you think you've learned it all. So you've completed most of your training and you think
you're ready to Bareboat Charter. How do you find out for sure,
without actually going and doing it? Already know how to sail, but
don't own a boat or know crew to go sailing with? Sound
familiar? Weekend "Fun Sails"
are an opportunity for you come down and rent the boat. Go where ever your heart
desires and do whatever pleases you. The boat can
accommodateup to 5
students per trip, so you all better take a vote, but there will be no
instruction. You'll be running the boat, just as if you had Bareboat
Chartered the boat. We put a Captain on-board for insurance purposes, but
you can sail the boat anywhere you desire for 2 hours!
Advance reservations are required. Our "Fun
Saturday" sails,
"Wonderful Wednesday" and
"Fantastic Friday" evenings are
designed for those who'd like to set their own course and
experience exercising their own judgment and knowledge. Not everyone
can arrive at the docks by 6:30 on a weekday evening but for those who
can, this could represent a tremendous value.
If not, just join us for the Saturday Fun Sail Outings. Perhaps you
don't own a boat nor know anyone else to go sailing with. "Fun
Sails" provide many opportunities to existing students to go sailing
with the safety and comfort of a Captain on board, but you make all the decisions
and do all the work as these outings are not instructional. Check
our Outings
web page for dates and times.
British Virgin Islands
7 days $1995
If you've never been to the B.V.I., this
is the trip for you! Everyday is an adventure with plenty of sailing
between anchorages and nearby spots for snorkeling. You'll get loads
of hands on experience sailing and navigating your way through paradise!
Greek Islands
7 days
Come participate in the trip of a
lifetime as we sail the waters the great masters once traversed for an
exciting sailing and cultural adventure. Discover Athens, Aegina, Poros,
Hydra, Dokos, Milos, Ios, Santorini, Antiparos, Paros, Mykonos and Kea over
14 days or depart/join the cruise from Ios for 7 day participants or Paros
for 10 day participants. The greek islands offer sun-kissed beaches,
secluded coves, fine dining, exquisite shopping, exceptional nightlife and
so much more.
Check out what
our students are saying about us! (Click
Meal Preparation & Safety
1 evening seminar
$69 (3-Hr
Class only at the Sailing Center)
Just because you'll be cooking aboard and not in your fully equipped
home kitchen doesn't mean you're limited to hamburgers and hotdogs!
Our professional gourmet chef will teach you the tricks and techniques of
meal planning, preparation, food preservation and spoilage prevention afloat.
Without proper training in hygiene and procedure, your trip could become
memorable for the wrong reasons. During class you'll
discuss meal preparation and safety as well as
a variety of
great cruising dishes including a Beef, Chicken and Fish delight!
This class is critical
for those planning a cruise, preparing a holiday meal at home, or picnics
outdoors. Check our Calendars
for class dates and times.
Click Here For More Info
NSM-330: Nutrition, A Sailor's Best
1 evening seminar $49 ("Early Bird" $39 if register
60 days in advance)
is not an accurate science and neither is sailing. Combining the
worst of the two can be dangerous. Nutrition is of considerable
interest to the mariner. This program will cover the basic interrelationships
between the chemistry of nourishment and the ability of the body to
reason, endure stress, and survive the elements. Additionally,
nutritional protocols for safe sailing, first aid and remedies for various
symptoms will be discussed.
Check our Calendars
for class dates and times.
Racing Clinic
2 evening clinic
$289 (On-The-Water
drills $70 for 2-hrs)
If you've ever wondered what regatta
racing is all about, this clinic is for you.
This classroom discussion covers the rules of racing as well as the
selection considerations for a club, boat, equipment, crew and events as
well as the steps of crew orientation and development in addition to
suggested practice drills and what goes on during a skipper's meetings prior
to the race. A list of references that you'll want at your
disposal for racing is included as well. Following the ground school clinic
you can choose to participate in On-The-Water drills putting to practice the
theory discussed in class. Check our Calendars
for class dates and times.
BUY-350: How To Buy The Perfect Boat
2 evening seminar
Okay the pain is unbearable you say. You've got
to have your own boat, but you don't know where to start. Before you
walk the docks or visit your nearest dealer you better join us for this
intellectual logical discussion of the issues. Check our Calendars
for class dates and times.
For some automated comparisons visit the following site (Click Here For
Comparison Info)
ENG-360: Engine Maintenance
1 day seminar
Tackle those pesky seasonal issues with new knowledge and
understanding. Both gasoline and diesel engines including outboards
will be discussed during this 5-hr program. Basic troubleshooting of fuel,
cooling, electrical issues and seasonal maintenance will be
covered. Students will get to actually replace an impellor and bleed
a fuel system. Check our Calendars
for class dates and times.
12V-370: 12 Volt Systems
1 day seminar
Basic troubleshooting as well as proper installation of
that new gadget on your boat will be covered during
this 5-hr program. A discussion of charging
systems and battery selection should prove to make this a popular seminar
this season. Check our Calendars
for class dates and times.
CPR-390: Couples Enrichment Mini-Weekend
$1895 per couple
Not only is sailing fun, but this humorous charismatic sailing theme
retreat can add excitement to your marriage! Dr. Avrum Geurin Weiss, director of the Pine River
Psychotherapy Training Institute, conducts this mini-weekend retreat designed to assist
couples desiring to understand and appreciate the natural changes occurring within
relationships over time.
Click Here For More Info!
Bareboat Charter Discounts
When you book your next Sunsail Bareboat Charter, you can buy owner's
time-shares for 20%-30% off the regular rates. Previous Windsong
students who have purchased yachts and placed them in the Sunsail charter
fleets are granted a number of weeks use of any Sunsail boat from any
of their worldwide charter bases. Several of our students are
willing to sell unused weeks at considerable discounts, but you must act
now because the time periods are quickly being sold.
Visit the Sunsail web site for location and boat choice information (
information. When you use a booking agent their sales
commission will be added to your price. Call us for your booking
and you will not be billed a sales commission, thus greater savings to
you. Roughly here are the time periods remaining:
Greece |
5/1-22 |
Spain |
5/1-22 & 10/1-14 |
Turkey |
5/1-22 & 10/16 |
Caribbean |
7/1-8/31 & 11/1-12/19 |
Club Carib (Boat + Hotel) |
1/6-31 & 11/1-12/18 |
Thailand |
4/22-6/9 |
Tampa Bay |
7/1-9/30 |
Sydney Australia |
4/29-9/1 |
Whitsunday Australia |
2/1-3/31 |
New Zealand |
5/1-9/30 |
(We may be able to offer additional date periods)
Check out what
our students are saying about us! (Click
Custom Private Outings
Sunset or Moonlit Cruises
Festive Theme Parties
Corporate Outings
Customer Appreciation
Team Building
Birthdays, Engagements, Anniversaries
Special Event For Visitors From Out Of Town.
Family Celebration
Check out what
our students are saying about us! (Click
Specialty Items
$15 |
$15 |
$35 |
Beautiful Gift Certificates are the perfect
gift for that "Hard To Buy For" person on your list or for your
deserving spouse. Available in dollar amounts or for specific
classes, outings and programs. Sailing classes or a sailing outing on you could expose a special someone to a life changing event.
Show someone special how much you care!
You pick
and choose and they'll include whatever you wish! Sailing gift
certificates make novel gifts for existing or new students. Order
yours today! Great for raffles, awards, fund
raising, etc. Click here for more info:
Sailing Academy Gift Certificates
Web Info Of Interest
Free Nautical Government Publications
(Click Here For The Following Government Publications)
No. 1
The American Practical
International Code of
Radio Navigational
World Port
Distances Between
Radar Navigation and Maneuvering Board
Atlas of Pilot Charts
NIMA List of Lights
USCG Light List
Sailing Directions
Sight Reduction Tables for Air Navigation
Sight Reduction Tables for Marine Navigation
Check out what
our students are saying about us! (Click
A Matter Of Liability
Accidents happen and
that's why we all purchase insurance. Insurance is a small price to
pay for the comfort and security of protecting ourselves financially from
any potential liability associated with your sailing. As a Windsong
student you are insured while aboard our training boats however you may be
responsible for any amount up to the deductible, depending on the
circumstances under which any damages or losses occurred. The deductibles range
from a few hundred dollars to several thousand, usually 1% of the hull value
of the vessel. Often times winch handles may fall overboard or
students may accidentally ram the dock during maneuvers. To avoid
liability for the deductibles in unfortunate situations, Windsong offers a
Damage Deductible Reduction membership plan that reduces your potential
liability to $50. This coverage is affective from the date of your
enrollment and extends for 12 months with annual premium renewals due on
your anniversary date. The present premium for this coverage is $25,
obviously a great bargain for the comfort it provides.
Books Of Interest
Although all classes include handout
materials, if you wish to purchase individual texts they are described at
the A.S.A. web site (
for ASA materials or the U.S. Sailing web site (
for U.S. Sailing materials.
We following are our recommend reading
Sailing Fundamentals
ISBN 0-671-60598-4 or 0-68484-994-1
ISBN 0-87742-334-2
Basic Keelboat
ISBN 1-882502-21-3
Basic Cruising
ISBN 1-882502-27-2
Bareboat Cruising
ISBN 1-882502-30-2
Navigation And Piloting
ISBN 0-87021-157-9
Workbook (For Above) ISBN 0-87021-150-1
Cruising Encyclopedia
(Purchase from
Weather Handbook
ISBN 09658028-2-5
(Purchase from
American Practical Navigator ISBN 0-939837-54-4 (Bowditch)
Check out what
our students are saying about us! (Click
Here) |
Sailing is not just
another activity, it's a lifestyle at Windsong.
Windsong is your center
educational excellence!
Come Join
Our World
Sailing At Windsong Is Less Expensive Than
Any Other Sport!
Reach Out And
Catch The Wind!
Columbus had a dream and you can too!
Come discover your new
Come discover sailing!
You'll be glad you did!
Take a Windsong Sail Today
___________ Certification
consist of both a written and on-the-water
Certification written exams are
available for $65.
exams are included in the price of each outing.
Classes at Windsong
are designed to fill YOUR needs.
Whether it is a
casual refresher sail under our watchful eye or extensive training from A
to Z, our classes are designed to offer you enjoyment and fun while
continuing to advance your skills.
never a membership initiation fee or annual dues.
At Windsong, all we
ask to join us is a desire to enrich your life's experiences and the willingness
to try something new.
Got a birthday coming
up and looking for something different?
Let Windsong make the
Sailing's as easy as
wind and air and their both free!
Chart your course for
success today with Windsong!
Windsong has
met the
Standard every
year consistently!
Come introduce your
family to ours!
If you can dream it,
you can do it!
All you have to do is try it.
Our instructional
style utilizes the most natural learning methods. Anyone
can learn to sail at Windsong!
Life is too short not
to sail.
Don't go
Enroll at Windsong!
It Is Not What You
Accomplish In Your Life That Matters, But
What You Attempted To Achieve During Your Life That Will Define You.
Life is not measured
by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath
In order to excel
at something, you must first find enjoyment and
pleasure while doing it badly.
To enjoy an enriching
life, befriend those who are enjoying
one too.
Give the
of Sailing!
It's a
Treasure That Lasts For Life.