Class Info
Favorite Links
About Us
What's New
He who commands the sea,
has command of everything, including himself
Sailing is a lot like
life. We don't know exactly where we're going, but we have a good
idea of where we don't won't to be.
My experience with
engines is that if you depend on them, they'll fail you. If it just
doesn't matter, they'll serve you well.
Engine fuel is a lot
like a good cup of coffee. The very bottom is better off left
Comfort and speed are
usually mutually exclusive in most things. ___________
10 yrs from now you
be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did
do. So throw off
the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade
winds in
your sails. Explore! Dream! Discover!
Windsong Sailing

What's New For Current Students
Also Read Our Latest
Students, this page is how we keep you
informed between Newsletters.
Visit it frequently to stay abreast of last minute changes or events.
If you're not a student, here's what you're missing out on at Windsong.
Need An Earthquake Report Before
You Go Sailing?
Having sailed the
Kingdom of Tonga and remembering my concerns while sailing in this remote
area of the world, the ability to see earthquake activity in a region of the
world would have been comforting. Okay, not planning any trips
offshore soon, but would find it interesting to see how many quakes occur on
any given day. Check out our newest addition to our Favorite Links web
page under the Weather category.
Quakes This Week
2007 Schedule Of Classes
And Outings Posted To Web!
Each year we add something new and do something
different. This year is BETTER THAN EVER!
For those who prefer to beat the heat in July and
August we're offering a 10 am "Early Bird Sail"
outing if you want to get off the lake before the hottest times of the
day. On the same days we offer a 6-8pm "Late
Sail" for those who enjoy the calm of the lake after all the
weekend boaters have gone home. This was a suggestion by one of our students during our
annual "Opinions Survey" that some of you
were asked to participate in. If you haven't returned your survey,
you're missing your chance to tell us what new offerings you want to see
for the new year.
Fantasy Trips:
has been added as a new fantasy destination.
Check out the class
our web
for dates and times.
British Virgin Islands!
More trips this season than ever!
Check the class
or our web
for dates and times.
Bird Savings!
Price increases are a way of life as our operational
costs for insurance and facilities go up with each new season, but when you
register early for ground school classes and outings you can save! The new ground school prices
are now $199,
but if you PAY 60 days in advance an "Early
Bird" $179 price will be available. Outings
are now $70 per 2-hr class but when you
book 60 days in advance an "Early Bird" price the same $65 price will be available. Obviously
Early Booking ensures a more efficient utilization of our resources and
your sailing dollars. Either way the quality and effectiveness of
our programs is always a great value. Just ask a fellow student and
you'll understand why. The
cat is out of the bag! We have posted the Sunset Sail
dates. These
fun social outings have been extremely popular in past years and we look
forward to sharing them with students again this season. They are
purely social and non instructional in nature. Grab that
"special significant other" and share the delights of a casual
sail down Lake Lanier on selected evenings (See the "Outings"
web page). Grab some jeans, shorts, or dress up, but importantly
grab your space today!! These outings always go fast because they are
attractively priced at $70
for a 3-hr outing, making it the best value
of any of our outings! Light snacks and soft drinks will be
provided. Bring a jacket to because it can get cool at sunset.
Check out the Latest
There's so much going on
this season, it's worth a quick read of this month's
Don't Want To Get Caught In
We've added a link for
the DOT traffic site to our "Outings" web page as well as our "Home" page
for easy and fast access. This should help students estimate drive
times prior to their departure to attend our programs.
Seem To Finish Your Gift Shopping List?
you've got some difficult names to buy a gift for
you're the difficult one on someone else's list, we've got the answer!
Gift Certificates for sailing classes make unusual tokens of one's
affection or appreciation. Certificates in any denomination or
combination of classes are available year-round. Let us make your occasion
memorable for a life time. Show a special someone how much you care
or tell them what would make your day! Sailing Gift Certificates are the
smartest most unique exchange of appreciation between loved ones or
friends. Got Something To Sell? Try Our For
Sale New
Site Free.
Although we intend to limit items for sale to
our student members, we will consider items submitted from the general
public as well. We'll play it by ear to see how it goes. Just
remember to let us know when the item is sold so that we can keep our web
site current.
So here's the link Items For
Is Your Vessel Safe?
The staff at Windsong have become U.S. Coast
Guard Certified Vessel Safety Examiners in cooperation with the Atlanta
Power and Sail Squadron and the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. Each
year we all have an obligation to ensure the safe and proper operation of
our boats and that includes an inspection of all the safety equipment that
are Federally and State required. Have a Windsong staff member
assist you by conducting a free courtesy safety inspection each year
aboard your vessel. Contact us and we'll gladly conduct your
inspection and award your official VSE sticker. Check out the
official web site for vessel inspections (
Will You Marry Me?
Windsong hosted a romantic sunset cruise
that turned serious! Our first marriage proposal aboard Jamaica
Lieu. Mike Townsend had the evening planned and Beth never had a
chance. The sunset was so romantic, the music was well chosen, the
bubbly on hand, and the moment was just so perfect that there was only one
answer to the life changing question. Click here
See their photo .
JumpSeats Now
Due to the suggestion of one of our
students (Thanks Robert!), Windsong now offers "JumpSeats" on
our instructional outings. A JumpSeat is a stern rail seat for an
accompanying guest to ride aboard Jamaica Lieu or the
new Colgate 26 during an instructional
outing, but not participate in crew positions or rotations.
A guest can experience the excitement of sailing and
observe an actual training outing. This is
ideal for spouses, children (over 13) or others who'd enjoy spending the time on the
lake and could observe what it takes to sail a boat, but not be a
participant. JumpSeats are FREE
for the first trip when accompanying a full price student and half price
for subsequent trips but are limited only to Jamaica Lieu
or the Colgate. Call to inquire
about availability. This might be a great way to
share your love for sailing with someone who may later decide to take
lessons. Jumpseats are not available on Fun Sail or Sunset Cruises
as these outings are not instructional.
Sick Of Cooking?
Has anyone around you gotten sick "from" your
cooking? Chef Frank Corbett teaches the tricks and techniques of meal
planning, preparation, food preservation and spoilage prevention afloat in
our Gourmet Cooking Afloat program scheduled for December 6th. Without
proper training in hygiene and procedure, your trip could become memorable
for the wrong reasons. A critical class for those planning a cruise,
preparing a holiday meal at home, or picnics outdoors.
A New Sailor Is Born!
Cori Hembree, General Manager for Windsong
for over a decade has added a new sailor to the ranks.
Alexandra Nicole Hembree
was born 1/14/03 at 4:20 pm and weighed in at 7 lbs 2
oz. For a glimpse at the latest addition to the
family click on Alex's name above.
Windsong Students Get
Bareboat Charter Discounts !!!
When you book your next Sunsail Bareboat Charter, you can buy owner's
time-shares for 20%-30% off the regular rates. Previous Windsong
students who have purchased yachts and placed them in the Sunsail charter
fleets are granted a number of free weeks use of any Sunsail boat from any
of their worldwide charter bases. Several of our students are
willing to sell unused weeks at considerable discounts, but you must ACT
NOW because the time periods are quickly being sold. Visit the
Sunsail web site for location and boat choice information (
but call us for your booking to receive the discount rate. Roughly here
are the time periods remaining:
Greece |
5/1-22 |
Spain |
5/1-22 & 10/1-14 |
Turkey |
5/1-22 & 10/16 |
Caribbean |
7/1-8/31 & 11/1-12/19 |
Club Carib (Boat + Hotel) |
1/6-31 & 11/1-12/18 |
Thailand |
4/22-6/9 |
Tampa Bay |
7/1-9/30 |
Sydney Australia |
4/29-9/1 |
Whitsunday Australia |
2/1-3/31 |
New Zealand |
5/1-9/30 |
Turn On Your Speakers!
web site now has many of your favorite nautical theme musical selections
behind several pages, so sit back and enjoy!
Love The Links Page!
received so many suggestions from students for links to add to our
"Favorites" page (Favorite
Links) that it is growing! It's been reorganized to help you
quickly locate what you need. Check it out and see all the secrets it
So Now What?
been sailing for a bit and now ready for the next step. Where can I
get more sailing time on a variety of boats? We've updated our
Links" page to add hyperlinks to the most active sailing clubs on
Lake Lanier. Bear in mind that the majority activity at many of the
clubs is racing, you probably won't get asked to steer, and it may seem
like "servitude" initially, but it's a great way to apply what
you've already learned. Racing can be a lot of fun, on the right
boat with the right skipper. Just like cars and their variety of
drivers, there can be some bad apples in the bunch, but after everyone
gets to know you and appreciate your knowledge and abilities, you'll begin
to get better rides and more rewarding positions as crew. Check out
the links and if you have any questions, drop us a line and we'll try to
steer you in some fun directions! We've Added A Recommended
Reading List
many of you know, our handouts used in the classes are a collection of
information from personal experiences and other sources. For those
who want additional reading, we've compiled a list of recommended
publications for your reference
located at the bottom of the "Classes" (Reading
description web page. Since we represent both U.S.
Sailing and A.S.A., you'll find recommendations from both
ParticipationGuidelines.htm. It has been our experience that Chapter-11 can order
books they don't normally carry and as a result result in considerable
savings. For this reason, we've listed the ISBN numbers as well. We've Added A Photos
us your sailing photos and we'll post as many as we can to our new photos
web page. They must be eye
catching, depict sailing and include the names of all in the shot. Be
patient because this page takes over 90 seconds to load, but it's well
worth it to see your friends. Certainly not everyone is posted
because we didn't get a chance to "snap" everyone, but we'll do
a whole lot better next season we promise! Email your virus scanned photos to
as attachments and we'll try to present as many as we
can! Boat U.S. Discount
a member of the Windsong family you are eligible for reduced rate
membership with Boat U.S. Because of this sponsorship you can join Boat
U.S. for $12.50 per yr vs $25! As many of you know, not only is Boat
U.S. a great place to shop for your nautical gear, they sponsor many of
our activities throughout the year. You'll need to have us bring
your special registration card to your next class to qualify for your
reduced membership. As long as you remain active in the Windsong
family you'll continue to qualify for reduced rate renewals each
year! Looking For Romance In All The Wrong Places?
Looking for a novel educational opportunity to do with
someone special? Dr Weiss, Director of the Pine River Psychotherapy Training
Institute, has added a special Couple’s Enrichment program to our rich series of course offerings.
This is not a marriage encounter program.
This is an excellent program designed to offer a weekend of fun
filled sailing and insight into relationship dynamics.
Think of it as an “outward bound” challenge designed to
strengthen the bond of your marriage that provides enrichment and
intellectual understanding of the stages and dynamics of long-term
relationships. Based from the
lovely Lake Lanier Islands Renaissance Pine Isle Resort, this two-day seminar
is designed to be fun, energetic, enlightening and promote a healthy
marriage relationship. For more
information about this program, consult our web site
Did Someone Mention Romance?
Be sure to mark your calendars for our sunset and Moonlight
Cruises that start in May each year. Every
year they book up early, so be sure not to wait too late to join one of
these social outings that offer a different perspective of sailing on
Give The Gift Of Sailing For
Someone Special
Sailing Gift Certificates
are available year round.
Sailing classes or a sailing outing on you could expose a special someone to a life changing event.
Sailing is more than an activity, it's a change in lifestyle!
Show someone special how much you care!
Gift Certificates are custom tailored to fit your budget. You pick
and choose and they'll include whatever you wish! Sailing gift
certificates make novel gifts for existing or new students.
yours today! Click
for some suggestions for several budgets: |
There is a world of
difference between being outward bound by choice and homeward bound of
necessity. ____________
No one knows anything
about boats until they have built or owned at least three; by then you
realize how very little you really do know.
Before you buy a boat, be
sure that the boat will fit your ideas of comfort, your available time and
most of all your pocketbook
There are two great
moments in a sailor's life. The day you go to sea and the day you
make it back.
There are two sad moments
in a sailor's life. The day you leave home and the day you have to return.
Everything has it's
perspective. ___________
A good sailor gathers
opinion and speculation., but never ignores the facts.
Old and young, we are all
on our last cruise.
He who has opinions must
also listen.
Of all the things I'll
lose during my life, I'll miss my boat the most.