How Do I Get Started? It's as easy as
Some folks like to try a sample sail before attending a ground
school class.
Some folks like to attend the ground school first before their first
Either works fine and students feel that whichever way they did it,
worked well for them!
It really doesn't matter;
You learn:
"How to sail" on the water and
"Why" it works in the ground school.
Your Steps For Success!
Step #1:
From our
Signup if you're new or Login if you're a
returning student. |
Step #2: |
Pick a convenient ground school or
sailing outing date and location. |
Step #3: |
Register online, call or email us to ensure space is
available in the class.
If you're registering for a ground
school class,
Print your registration
summary form from the web and mail it in with your payment
If you're registering for an outing,
You can pay when you
board. |
Show up for class on your chosen date and bring an attitude
for adventure and fun!
It's just that easy to get started
your convenience and safety review our "Guidelines
For Participation".
Your registration and participation in
our programs implies your knowledge of and agreement with these terms.
We understand there are many ways
and methods to teach sailing. We
also understand that there are many schools
around the country from which one may
choose. Most schools teach
essentially the same concepts, skills and drills.
The art and science of sailing doesn't change. The learning process,
the recreation and love for the sport can differ greatly.
Windsong offers a revolutionary and time proven methodology for
teaching, reinforcing and providing a continual learning process to
match everyone's learning style, time table and hectic schedules.
At Windsong, our instructors will
identify your learning style and goals
and conduct drills and training that will ensure both enjoyment and
relaxation while advancing your knowledge and abilities without
feeling pressured or rushed at any time. You set the goals,
timetable and training schedule. We offer a flexible array of
dates, times, locations and a diverse staff of highly trained yet
fun team of life time sailors that are passionate about their sport
and your training.
life without sailing is a terrible thing to waste!"
