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Windsong Sailing
Choose A Month _____________ Fall Special! Come join us for the "Early Bird" program in April, which is specially priced at $495! At Windsong, the early bird gets the deal!
The Marriage Map: What is the key to a long lasting and loving marriage? A common love for sailing, that's obvious! Okay, now that the obvious is out of the way, what is it about relationships that society has difficulty getting right? What if I told you that life has stages? So do marriages. In fact the stages of a marriage as predictable as the stages of life. The knowledge that they are predictable better prepares us to handle the turbulent waters while crossing the great sea of life. Marriages progress through five stages. Stage One: I Can't Get Enough Of
You! Stage Two: I Can't Get Away From You! The sea gods advise that disagreements are as inevitable as the falling tides. Some groundings take longer to resolve than others, but there are two sides to every tide. Focus on the upside and develop conflict-resolution skills for the downside. Stay connected by spending time together and avoid the tendency to avoid each other when issues to arise. A good crew works together through the storms so that they can ride the tides of good winds as a united team to share the fruits of their labors. Running in opposite directions in the face of every conflict and failing to communicate will surely doom the ship to disaster in short order. This is not a good time to ignore the physical aspects of your relationship when healing the psychological ones. The physical bonding is the chemistry that helps the mind and heart heal. It is the physical aspects of a good sailing ship that give it heart and soul. Many times it's the physical aspects to which we have the greatest control . The rest are elusive feelings and beliefs that are harder to put a hand on. Stage Three: You First, Not Me! The sea gods advise that both mates take a "Reality Check". There are always sunny days, but they will always be surrounded by less desirable conditions on both sides. In the face of violent weather, seek professional guidance. There is a sense of accomplishment and bonding between mates that weather both the good and bad times together. It is the element that differentiates committed relationships from those that lack depth and closeness. Just remember that it is the bad sailing days in life that makes us appreciate those that are really wonderful. Otherwise it would all be taken for granted and never valued for the richness the variety provides in our relationship. Stage Four: You Are Who You Are, But I Am
Who I Am Too! The sea gods advise that you have now achieved a peaceful place in the waters. Without the becalmed days, there will not come those days with good wind. You now have come to know this as a truth. You must not become complacent. The seas could turn at a moment's notice. Continue to spend time together in common pursuits, such as sailing. Sailing affords private opportunities to talk and touch and stay connected without the distractions of life in the city or around the house. It is a mini "Time Out" vacation for the two of you that can last from a few hours to a month or more. Stage Five: We Have A Past. The sea gods advise that a focus on continued health and active lifestyles is essential. A lifetime of sailing and other vigorous activities and recreations will ensure this space in time to enjoy the fruits of your life long efforts. |
The inclusion of sailing vernacular is not by accident. Dr Weiss is an accomplished sailor and uses sea stories and other scenarios of humor to make his points throughout the seminar. We welcome you
to join us today, on the first step of a life long journey toward
realization. The realization that sailing can change your life
and enhance your marriage. |