Sailing Breeze Published by
the |
Vol. 41 |
2006 |
To make sure that you
don't miss important emails from Windsong and to ensure that our
newsletters and outing confirmations aren't mistakenly blocked by anti-spam
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senders and contacts or you'll miss important updates!
Capt Dave's Tips |
Well if you're planning on doing "Spring Cleaning" soon, you may already be too late! As has been witnessed by those who've been out sailing over the past 4-6 weeks "Sailing Season" has arrived. A dirty house can keep, but the winds won't. If you're not out sailing right now you're missing a unique season opener! We have experienced "Heavy Air" sailing like no other season so far! We have pushed our boats to the edge and occasionally over the edge of their "envelope!" We offer realistic training whenever possible but our emphasis is always on safety. The sailing has been fantastic and the learning opportunities have been unprecedented. You can talk about "Heavy Air" sailing all day in a classroom, but until you experience it out on the water, you're wasting your breath.
This Saturday 4/22 is our next Basic Sailing Theory ground school class to be conducted at the Tucker Recreation Center in DeKalb County. If you haven't begun your sailing training or require a refresher, you want to call and grab a seat in this class. Space is becoming limited, so you don't want to delay. You can learn "How" to sail on the water, but the classroom demystifies the "Why" (Physics and Theory) behind how it all works.
So What's NEW! |
Giving Back To
The Community. Windsong is dedicated to the promotion of the sport of sailing and also continues to support worthy causes throughout the community in the form of contributions to silent auctions for ParticipationGuidelines.htm like "Environmental Fund For Georgia", "Earth Share of Georgia", "Samaritan House of Atlanta", "Sail America", "Atlanta Sail & Power Squadron", "Boat U.S.", "Suwanee Soiree", "Bartholomew Church", "Peachtree Ridge Schools", "Simpson Wood Church" and scores of other worthy causes and ParticipationGuidelines.htm. Barefoot Sailing Club |
Tom Broome represented Windsong at a recent
Barefoot Sailing Club monthly meeting with a presentation on 12 Volt
Electrical Systems. It was a packed crowd at Jocks and Jills in
Buckhead with a humorous discussion followed by a great question and
answer session. An eager crowd responded overwhelmingly with
applause at the conclusion of a fast paced excerpted presentation from
our regular five hour Marine Electronics ground school program.
Barefoot and Windsong have a long history together. In 1986 Dave Crumbley was Vice Commodore of Barefoot for two terms and initiated several innovative programs, one of which was the establishment of the club's video library that still serves the club today. In 1988 Dave earned distinction as the "Skipper of the Year" for racing accomplishments. Windsong continues to sponsor, host or contribute resources to the club's Introduction to Sailing program which Dave directed for three seasons back in the 80's. Once again he was an instructor for this season's Learn To Sail program held recently at DeKalb College's north campus. Additionally, Windsong has sponsored other club's events such as the Dogwood Regatta hosted by the Atlanta Inland Sailing Club. |
Dogwood Regatta | |||
Windsong was proud to co-sponsor the Dogwood
Regatta again to kick off this season's series of programs in
support of the sport and recreation of sailing. Windsong has a
long history of sponsorship and support of the sailing community.
Windsong has
been a phenomenal success over the past two decades and we're always
looking for new ways to produce a positive impact in our community of
sailing. Businesses measure success in many dimensions but most
importantly is the legacy that one leaves behind through their actions,
contributions and support of worthy causes. |
Corporate Adventures | |||
Have you ever
attended a boring staff meeting? Some of us have and they're no
fun! Are working relations strained lately due to corporate
"resizing"? It may be time for a "Corporate Adventure". Large corporations have resources and funding for annual
recreational outings and there are abundant venues that cater
specifically to large groups. The majority of businesses in
America today are not the traditional "Corporate" cluster with large
staffs. Smaller businesses rely upon crucial interactions between
staff and management yet fewer opportunities exist to provide a
meaningful and unique escape from the pressures of every day business.
In recent years Windsong has been approached by several individually
owned or small corporate clients to provide a unique sailing opportunity
for their staff.
Windsong continues to pioneer innovative ideas in business and products. The possibilities are endless, but every "Team" could benefit from spending a morning or afternoon aboard our safe and comfortable sailing vessels. Come "Learn To Sail" or merely escape the customers for a few hours! An "Adventure" can be as simple as enjoying each other's company in the laid back atmosphere surrounded by nature or as intense as fast action maneuvers around a race course. Come dry and leave wet, if that's your goal, or sit back in dry comfort and watch the antics of others aboard. Teams as small as 5 or as large as 12 can enjoy themselves acting as commanders and crew, taking turns throughout the outing. Share your goals for the team and we can design a customized sequence of activities to elicit the interactions your organization requires. Reward the top performers in your organization or mix a combination of staff from across different areas to improve relations. Split your event across several mid day afternoons to minimize the operational impact to your organization from the absence of key staff. The combinations are endless and so are the benefits! Four hour "Adventures" start from $750 per boat and include boat rentals, all fuel, marina access fees, taxes and a U.S. Coast Guard licensed Captain. Snacks and refreshments are available if requested at the time of booking. |
Windsong Events |
Sunset Cruises | |
This season we
have some exciting events just over the horizon. Each year we like
to provide something new and different. This season's "Sunset
Cruises" begin May 6th with
Bill Kahler, a local professional
performer, who will be joining us with his
lovely wife to provide a unique "musical" enchanting cruise. It
should be a fun filled and romantic opportunity for those who are
fortunate to reserve seats for this 3-hr cruise. Advance
reservations are required since these cruises fill up quickly. The
cost is $69 per person.
We are in search of other
musically inclined performers to accompany other cruises this season.
I've always thought it would be nice to have a flutist join us for one
of our trips but so far haven't been able to secure one on favorable
terms. If you are musically inclined and would like the
opportunity to perform before our small group, it could be your lucky
break! |
So What's Been Going On? |
Visit To San Pedro California Square Riggers. |
It's not often you get invited
aboard a "Tall Ship". Nancy Richardson, Vice President of
TOPSAIL a youth program in San Pedro, chose 4 members from over 300
attendees at the
National Sailing Symposium annual meeting to join a training sail
aboard the Irving Johnson, a 90' Brigantine topsail schooner.
"What a fortunate opportunity to be selected to participate" Dave,
founder of Windsong Sailing Academy recalls.
Jim Gladson,
President/Founder of the program with a full time staff of only four,
utilizes the skills and enthusiasm of hundreds of volunteers each year
to maintain and run the fleet. The program provides 5000 youth sailing
days to 67 different schools and youth ParticipationGuidelines.htm. |
Each season a group of
volunteers train as "regulars" to earn the rights as crew for youth who
participate in their annual programs. The programs instill
respect for command, procedures and authority as each student is
enlisted to perform the various jobs required to put the vessel to sea.
They sleep, eat and share team spirit together during each weekly session aboard. Students learn applied science, math, physics, biology, geography, world trade, economics, history, literature and even poetry aboard this real life classroom. To learn more about this
amazing fleet visit their web site: |
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For Sale New Site Free.
Although we intend to limit items for sale to our student members, we
will consider items submitted from the general public as well. We'll play it by
ear to see how it goes. Just remember to let us know when the item is sold so
that we can keep our web site current. So here's the link Items
For Sale.
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Ever noticed that all official Windsong emails have the word "WINDSONG:" in the subject? That's so that you can use a filter or rule to intercept and redirect Windsong emails into a dedicated folder based upon this trait. That way we won't ever wind up in your SPAM folders and accidentally deleted. This is actually a two-way street. Any replies from you will automatically contain the same identifier in the subject and we can prevent it's accidental deletion as well. So any emails from you to us should contain the words "WINDSONG" in the subject or you risk censure by our anti spam software. Daily we receive just over 400 SPAM emails and find the use of filtering software imperative. Don't risk loosing our emails, filter TODAY! |
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Friends don't let
their friends go through life Invite someone to join you today! |
We're listening!! |
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Many times students' suggestions are implemented on the spot! We pride ourselves in our customer service and attention to the needs of our students. If you have thoughts or ideas, drop us a line or give us a call. All things are possible; you simply need to ask.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all our students for their loyal
support through the season(s) and encourage everyone to bring one new friend
along each year as you sail. As we grow and expand our operation, we want
to make our products and services available to all who may be interested, but
someone has to make the introduction. Share the love of your sport
with those who may be interested in our unique collection of programs. You'll be
glad you did and so will they!