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Coastal Navigation (CON 205_c)
This 2 hr Lake Lanier on-the-water DAY TIME navigation "Challenge" offers the reality of navigating in a constantly moving environment.  This outing presents real world issues and opportunities to consolidate and solidify your navigation knowledge, skills and tricks learned in our earlier programs. Join us for this excellent navigation sequence of classroom and practical hands-on classes. Limit 6 Students.

What To Bring:  Nothing is required, but if you have compass binoculars, a Davis Hand Bearing compass or other "Nav Toys" you'd like to try, bring them. We have all these tools already on the boat to share, but you're welcome to bring your own too.

  Coastal Navigation (CON 205_n)
  This 2 hr Lake Lanier NIGHT TIME on-the-water navigation "Challenge" offers the reality of navigating after sunset.  Experienced sailors know that it's a whole different world out there in the dark and this navigation outing provides potentially life saving training.  Limit 6 Students.

What To Bring: Sweat shirt if it's a cool time of the year, red head lamp, compass binoculars if you have them or other "Nav Toys" you'd like to try. We have binoculars on the boat to share, but you're welcome to bring your own too.

  GPS Navigation
  This 2 hr Lake Lanier on-the-water navigation exercise includes review of the various GPS unit parameter options and navigation information provided by the data pages, entry of destination Lat/Lon coordinates into various GPS units and their actual use during underway scenarios. Limit of 5 Students.

What To Bring: Sweat shirt if it's a cool time of the year, red head lamp or hand flashlight and any other "Nav Toys" you'd like to try.  We have GPS units on the boat to share, but you're welcome to bring your own too.

Requirements: CON 105_a, CON 105_b
2 hrs - $79
Celestial Navigation (CEL 207_c)
  This 2 hr Lake Lanier on-the-water SUNSET navigation "Challenge" offers the reality of celestial navigation sights in a constantly moving environment.  This outing presents real world issues and opportunities to consolidate and solidify your celestial navigation knowledge, skills and tricks learned in our earlier programs. Join us for this excellent navigation sequence of classroom and practical hands-on classes. Limit 6 Students.

What To Bring: Sweat shirt if its a cool time of the year.  Sextant, red head lamp and accurate time piece. We have sight log forms, star charts and compasses on the boat to share.

  Celestial Navigation (CEL 207_m)
  This 2 hr Lake Lanier on-the-water NOON SUN MERIDIAN TRANSIT celestial navigation "Challenge" offers the reality of shooting noon day sun meridian transit sights in a constantly moving environment.  This outing presents real world issues and opportunities to consolidate and solidify your navigation knowledge, skills and tricks learned in our earlier programs. Join us for this excellent navigation sequence of classroom and practical hands-on classes. Limit 6 Students.

What To Bring: Sextant and accurate time piece.

  Requirements: CON 105_a, CEL 107_a
2 hrs - $79
  Also checkout our other programs providing ASA sailing instructions, cruises, clinics and fun sails.