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Celestial Navigation (107)
Never again rely upon expensive and often unreliable electronic navigation equipment. Learn the age old true and tried methods of celestial navigation in this four-evening class which covers navigation using the sun, moon, stars and planets.

Our extensive curriculum consists of a sequence of four individual courses.

CEL_107_a 10 hr classroom “Celestial Navigation Principles” class.  
CEL_107_b 5 hr classroom “Lab” hands-on instruction. (Optional)
CEL_107_c 2 hr on-the-water hands-on exercises - SUNSET (Optional)
CEL_107_m 2 hr on-the-water hands-on exercises - NOON TRANSIT (Optional)
Read the A.S.A. Celestial Navigation (107) 
This two day 10 hr program will cover care and use of sextant, Nautical Almanac for sight reductions, taking celestial sights, sight reduction formulas, determination and compensation for watch error, sextant errors and height of eye, understanding of the Navigational Triangle, plotting intercepts and position determinations using a variety of techniques.
Requirements: CON_a
Bring To Class: Plotting Tools, Trig Calculator, Mechanical Pencil, Pentel Eraser
Ground school - $329
Sextant rental - Included
  Related courses: Celestial Navigation (207_c), Celestial Navigation (207_m)
This 5 hr classroom "Cruise" provides the application and practice of the theory learned in the celestial navigation core theory class in addition to use of the Star Finder for sign planning. Many programs only "Discuss" the navigation tools. This class provides the opportunity to apply and practice your theory knowledge during an extensive classroom cruise designed to stretch and solidify your understanding and skills.
Requirements:  CEL_107a
Ground school - $225
  Related courses: Celestial Navigation (207_c), Celestial Navigation (207_m)
  Also checkout our other programs providing ASA sailing instructions, cruises, clinics and fun sails.