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Gift Certificates



Yesterday is History

Today is a Gift

Tomorrow is Uncertain

That's why we call today
the "Present"

Give the gift of
sailing TODAY...


  Let us know what you desire and we'll gladly email you a printable gift certificate for that "Difficult To Buy For" person on your shopping list.

If you think that might be "YOU", make the job easier for others and have them give us a call! This also is a great way to encourage a friend or that special someone to take the plunge and go sailing with you!

  Here are some suggestions for several budgets:
$79 One Sunset Cruise Outing ($100 per couple)  
$79 One Basic Sailing Outing
$229 One Theory Ground School Class
$308 One Theory Ground School Class PLUS One Sailing Outing
$395 Five Basic Sailing Outings
$624 One Theory Ground Class PLUS Five Basic Sailing Outings
$??? Create your own package of classes
  We welcome the opportunity to introduce your lucky recepient to our excellent collection of programs providing ASA sailing instructions, cruises, clinics and fun sails.