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Skipper and Crew Training    
Registering for a session    
What to expect    
Skipper requirements    
Advanced / Elective Courses    

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For information on membership, contact our business office.

  Skipper and Crew Training:
Many of the orientation and skill set topics are best presented in group sessions to provide the interaction and maneuver sequencing opportunities necessary to gain safe and proactive insight, knowledge and abilities. The ability to anticipate and direct crew activities is a crucial skipper skill which can only be developed in a group scenario.

Group sessions offer the most realistic training environment providing opportunities for inactive observation as well as active participation; both strong and affective learning methods. Group sessions are possible and encouraged on weekdays (Tuesday and Thursday) to avoid contention for weekend time slots, however weekends (Saturday or Sundays) are available if necessary.

SailTime training sessions are intended to properly prepare the Skipper and Crew for success, safety and proper operation of the vessel. Windsong staff are not permitted to participate in the operation of the vessel as a normal part of the training sessions except for demonstration purposes. Each Skipper must provide their own crew to ensure a competently trained support team upon completion of the SailTime training program.