had exceptionally warm weather while in Annapolis, close to 80 degrees on several days, but the Thursday morning
of our departure it was pouring rain with a forecast of very cold
temperatures around the corner. Initially we wanted to cruise the
Eastern Shore
and hang out in St. Michael’s and Oxford, but the pending forecast led us to charge south.
motor sailed the entire day in the rain and arrived at the Solomon Islands
just after sunset. I was a bit discouraged when we discovered that
our auto pilot was not working. I had become quite dependent on this
little piece of gear, especially during those long watches. Our GPS
down below that interfaces with all the B&G electronics had stopped
working a few weeks ago and we thought maybe the two problems were
November 7th, 2003
Technology Is Good, But Have A Backup!
woke up early and were happy to note the cold front hadn’t arrived yet.
We had a good breeze out of the northwest and wanted to sail about 35
miles to Peter Kane’s river house on the
River. Peter and Susan’s house
is right on the water and just west of
Point. There is a good protected anchorage with lots of room and decent
holding ground just north of their house.
and I were both relieved when our auto pilot started working again.
Earlier we had looked for possible causes of its failure but had found
none. We called Garmin to find out about getting the GPS repaired
and were told they don’t repair the 210 model anymore. It’s only
five or six years old so we couldn’t believe they couldn’t fix
it. The man said they don’t have parts for that model
anymore. Well, at least we still have our hand-held GPS.
had a great day sailing and arrived just before sunset. We got the
dingy in the water and motored over to Peter’s house for a grilled
chicken and shrimp dinner and nice hot showers. We
would have loved to spend the night in the house but
didn’t want to leave our boat unattended, especially since 25 knot winds
were forecast after midnight.
November 8th, 2003
Lunar Eclipse At Sandy Point
wind was howling and it was much colder when we went back to
Peter’s house the next morning.
It was
fun to just hang out, do laundry, surf the net and just
Isabel hit this area pretty hard and there are still remnants of
downed trees, damaged docks and blue tarps over several roofs. |
a nice dinner with Peter we loaded up in the dinghy for a cold, windy and
wet ride back to our boat. Patrick cried most of the way. He did not
want to leave the nice, warm house. It was a clear night and we had
an exceptional view of the total lunar eclipse from our boat.
November 9th, 2003
A Chill In The Air? No, Just Freezing!
temperature dropped into the high 20’s during the night. Our
boat cabin was in the mid 40’s when we woke up; surprisingly warm
considering we don’t have heat.
next day the boys and I ventured out with Peter in his 17-foot
homemade, wooden dead-rise skiff to fish his crab pots.
boys were excited as Peter pulled the first trap on board which was
loaded with blue crab.
counted the crabs as each trap came on board and loaded the bait for
Peter. |

collected about 90 blue crab from twenty traps.
This was
a great catch considering Peter does this for a hobby.
His real
profession is as a real estate broker in
Northern Virginia
and the Northern Neck.
a delicious crab feast, we headed back into the cold and motored back to
our boat. The plan is to get
an early start and try to make it all the way down to
Norfolk, about 60 miles down the bay. We’re going to miss the comfort of
a nice warm house and the fun times we had with Peter.
November 10th, 2003
Give The Navy A Wide Clearance!
5:30 a.m.
when we hauled up the anchor and departed Sandy
We were not alone as there was a small fleet of commercial fishing boats
coming out the Reedville channel. Their bright lights lit up the
dark sky.
were dressed in many layers as it was another cold and windy day.
We had a nice westerly breeze blowing about 10-15 knots which enabled us
to sail almost the entire 12 hours.
enormous aircraft carrier, the USS Theodore Roosevelt, was making its way
into Norfolk
harbor as we arrived.
It had several Coast Guard vessels and a helicopter as its escort. A
small Coast Guard boat raced along side our boat and advised us to stay
out of the channel while the aircraft carrier passed. A large power
boat obviously did not get this message as it came within 100 yards of the
carrier. Immediately the helicopter swooped down and hovered over
the power boat like a mother bird protecting its young. It was so
low that it caused water to spray up all around the boat and then a Coast
Guard vessel appeared and directed the boat out of the channel and
detained the boat and captain for a few minutes. I’m sure the
captain learned his lesson and will never get that close to a Navy vessel
we motor sailed past battle ship row, we saw our friend Karl’s ship, the
USS Gonzalez.
It appeared to be getting ready to leave the dock as two tugs were at its
side and a full crew waited on deck. We had talked with Karl a few
days ago and he said they were going to be heading out Monday and would
return Wednesday. We had made plans to have dinner with Karl, Beth
and their children on Wednesday night. I wanted to try and contact
Karl somehow and let him know we were sailing by. I tried his cell
phone but there was no answer.
reminded me that leaving a dock is a very busy time for a captain so it
would be best not to disturb him. I still thought it would have been
fun to blow an air horn and stand on the deck and wave.
reached the Hospital Point anchorage, located on the Elizabeth
between Portsmouth
Norfolk, at sunset.
We had good memories here as this is where we spent the
Fourth of July.
November 11th, 2003
Need More Warm Clothes.
had time in the morning to sleep in and relax as our next destination was
which is only a 2 ½-3 hour trek down the Intercoastal Waterway (ICW).
It was a sunny, warm day as we strolled along downtown Norfolk. We made it to the mall to get the boys more warm clothes.
Another cold front is on its way and I didn’t bring many warm clothes
for them as I didn’t expect to be this far north in November.
was amazed at all the boats heading our direction as we continued south
down the ICW.
There were six boats with us in the Great Bridge Lock. Just past the
lock is a long dock which is well known as a “free” dock. We
were lucky to get a space at the end of the dock and within minutes of our
arrival the dock was full. There are no facilities here but it is an
easy walk to stores, restaurants and the library.
was in the low 70’s and sunny when we arrived but that wasn’t going to
last for long.
Gale force winds preceding another cold front were forecasted for
section of the ICW is only about 80 feet wide.
I was in awe when a tug passed by pushing a barge that was almost as wide
as the canal. This was a great boat watching spot as every vessel
heading north or south on the ICW passes by here. Many were luxury
motor yachts and sailboats heading south like the migration of birds.
Several flew Canadian flags.
people on the sailboat in front of us were a middle-aged couple, Tony and
Peggy, from
who have been cruising for 1 ½ years.
They spent the summer working in
and were now
Key West
bound. The trawler in front of them was owned by an elderly couple,
Ed and Audrey. They have been together since they were 19 years old
and have been boating for most of their lives. Unfortunately, Ed’s
health is deteriorating and they are going to have to sell the boat.
They were moving the boat south, to Little River, SC. Audrey took to
Thomas and Patrick immediately and within a couple hours she had them on
her boat eating Goldfish and drinking O. J.
November 12th, 2003
Boy Overboard; Thomas This Time.
took advantage of the nice weather and decided to get another coat of
varnish on our rails. When hadn’t put anymore varnish on since we
left Deltaville over four months ago. We had applied three coats
then thinking we would have time to add more coats as we sailed
north. It’s best if you can apply at least seven or more
coats. We could already see areas on the rails where the varnish had
deteriorated. It took us
several hours to sand the rails and apply a coat of varnish.
and Patrick entertained themselves along the rocky bank while we worked on
the boat. Thomas was balancing on a log that extended down to the
water while Patrick watched. Soon after I had warned them not to do
that, I heard a hysterical scream. Patrick was on shore crying and
screaming “Thomas, Thomas.” When Pierre
arrived, Thomas was pulling himself onto the rocks from the water.
He emerged drenched and with a smirk on his face and didn’t appear the
least bit rattled. Once again
those life jackets came in handy.
working on the boat all afternoon, we took showers for the first time in
several days. After all, we were having dinner with Karl and Beth
tonight, a good reason to freshen up.
walked to a nearby Italian restaurant where Beth was waiting with her five
children. She said Karl was still at the ship and might not make it
to dinner. She was a little worried since the kids outnumbered the
adults but we all survived and Karl made it after all. I told him
about passing by his ship on Monday and he said we could have hailed them
on Channel 13 or 16. He is busy getting ready for his ship’s six
month deployment to the Mediterranean. I’m not sure whose going to have the tougher job, Karl on a ship
with 300 crewmen or Beth at home alone with five children.
November 13th, 2003
A Quiet Refuge From The Winds.
are signs on the dock that say there is a 24 hour limit but so far no one
has moved since we arrived two days ago. Now, the winds are gusting
to 35-40 mph so we won’t be moving anytime soon.
took a walk to the library with the boys. The City of Chesapeake
has a wonderful library. I
received an email from the Norwegian sailboat
Hermine. They were in Beaufort,
and planned to head offshore for the US Virgin Islands in a couple
days. The library was a great place to take refuge and wait for the
nasty weather to pass. We spent four hours there. There was a
lot of police activity in the area as the Lee Malvo trial was taking place
across the street from the library.
November 14th, 2003
The Winds Keep On Knocking.
wanted to depart today but once again gale force winds kept us at the
November 15th, 2003
Point, Alligator River
got up early and were the first to leave the dock at
5:30 a.m.
We planned to cover about 80 miles today and anchor south of the
mid-morning we stopped to top off our fuel and get a newspaper in
NC. We wanted to make it a quick stop but were delayed when we saw Ed
and Audrey pull up in their trawler Alcor.
The boys ran over to their boat as it approached the dock and we spent
a few minutes chatting before heading out.
and Patrick do surprisingly well on these long days. While Pierre
and I are in the cockpit, they are usually down below playing with their
trains and cars, coloring or doing puzzles. They will stay below for
hours and then eventually come on deck and hang from the halyard lines or
bounce on the dinghy or fenders like a trampoline. By the end of the
day the cabin looks like a tornado hit it but at least they are
We made good time sailing across Albemarle Sound making 7 to 7 ½ knots on a 10-15 knot westerly wind. We arrived at
our anchorage off Deep Point at the southern end of the Alligator River
8 p.m.
There were several other boats anchored here.
Chunky’s Beef Stew we ate for dinner tasted surprisingly good given the
late hour and our fatigued state.
November 16th, 2003
Creek, Oriental, N.C.
was just before dawn when we raised the anchor and made our way towards
the entrance of the Alligator River-Pungo River canal. We reached
the canal entrance just as the sun rose covering the port sky in a pretty
pink. The destruction of Hurricane Isabel was clearly evident down
this narrow 23-mile canal. The banks were covered with fallen trees
for miles. Proceeding west on
the canal, it wasn’t long before we could see four or five sailboats
approaching us from behind. The terrain may be rural but the canal
was active with many pleasure boats making their way south.
ability to navigate the waterway has improved greatly compared to my
initial outing in June. With so many shoals and shallow areas on the
waterway, it is crucial to follow the marks carefully and not deviate from
the channel. There are many instances where the channel is narrow
and the current may force the boat out of the channel so it is important
to look ahead, as well as behind when at the helm. There is no
relaxing at the helm here as you always need to be looking for the next
mark, watching the depth sounder and looking out for traffic.
had another 80 mile, 13 hour day when we dropped anchor after dark in
Adam’s Creek, across the Neuse River from Oriental, NC.
November 17th, 2003
The Intrusion.
arrived at the Morehead
by late morning. We topped off on fuel and walked up to the
Sanctuary Seafood market and purchased fresh flounder to cook for dinner.
dropped the hook in Swansboro,
by late afternoon. There were two other sailboats anchored here and
within an hour of our arrival we became intimate with one of them.
We were surprised when we came on deck and saw our bow sprit within a
couple feet from our neighboring boat’s stern. A man appeared on
deck and casually said “Pleased to make your acquaintance.” We
apologized, picked up our anchor and reset it.
thought we had set our anchor well and were amazed it had dragged over 100
November 18th, 2003
Beach, N.C.
was a beautiful, warm and sunny day as we cruised along the ICW on our way
to Wrightsville Beach,
NC. This section of the waterway is gorgeous with its deep green water
and miles of salt marsh. We were entertained by several groups of
dolphins playfully swimming off our port.
cold front with gale force winds is forecasted for tomorrow so we want to
tie up to a dock. We were surprised when we got on the radio to find
that all the marinas in Wrightsville
were full when we arrived at 4:30 p.m.
Obviously, because of the bad weather forecast. We eventually
ended up on the fuel dock at the Dockside Marina and Restaurant.
the evening we got together with Pierre’s cousin Cay and her husband Peter. They have lived in
Wrightsville Beach
for over 25 years. We were treated to a nice seafood dinner and gave
them the nickel tour of the boat.
November 19th, 2003
Rainy Day. Laundry And Errands.
was windy and rainy most of the day so we were grateful when Cay and Peter
invited us to come over to the house for the day. I did several
loads of laundry and worked on the journal while Pierre
ran errands with Peter.
permitting, we plan to leave in the morning. Our route will take us
down the Cape Fear River
and then possibly offshore to Charleston
November 20th, 2003
Time With Myself
It was a mild and sunny
morning when we left the dock in
and motored south along the ICW. We reached the entrance of the Cape Fear River, south of
Wilmington, in about four hours and headed offshore. The day couldn’t have
been better for sailing. We were on a broad reach with 10-15 knot
winds, making about seven knots. At this rate, we should reach our
destination of Charleston,
in about 21 hours.
Our overnight, offshore trips remind me of competing in a triathlon or
some other endurance race. I feel the need to mentally psych myself
for the long night ahead, especially when it is cold and wavy.
I try and get an hour or two of sleep before starting my first three hour
night shift. It’s tough now because the sun goes down early,
making the night that much longer. With the autopilot maintaining
our course, I try and pass the time alone in the cockpit listening to
news/talk or music stations on our XM satellite radio. The satellite
radio has been a wonderful source of entertainment for us and has crystal
clear reception even far offshore. Keeping an eye out for ships and
other traffic, plotting our course hourly and daydreaming help pass the
time. I find myself staring at the stars often, wishing my astronomy
acumen was such that I could recognize more than the Big and Little
Dipper. I vow to get a book and start learning the constellations.
November 21st, 2003
Tell Me A Story
5 a.m.
when I wake Pierre out of a sound sleep for his second shift. He tries to persuade me
to stay up and watch the sunrise with him. All I want to do is to
crawl into my warm, cozy bunk and fall asleep, knowing in a few hours
I’ll be back in the cockpit again. It would be nice to be able to
sleep the next day but with young children on board that never
happens. They are a fulltime job.
I feel a warm body and realize Thomas has snuggled against me.
It’s 7 a.m.
A few minutes later, Patrick appears. They want me to tell
them a story. My mind is foggy but I try and think of something
interesting to tell them. They aren’t picky so I tell them things
that happened to me as a child, like the time I got a rowboat for
Christmas or when I jumped off a boat and tried to swim with dolphins but
they swam away. I want to go back to sleep but now they want
breakfast. And so the day starts again. No time for sleep now.
When we reach the entrance
into Charleston
harbor at mid-morning, I feel like I have just finished a triathlon. My
body is fatigued but the trip was worth it, knowing that what we
accomplished would have taken us almost three days if we had stayed on the
We went back and forth, trying to decide whether to stay in Charleston or continue on. Having been in
Charleston many times, we elect to continue on. We cover about 20 miles on the
ICW before anchoring in Church Creek, late in the afternoon. This
will enable us to make it to Beaufort,
by tomorrow afternoon.
November 22nd, 2003
Another Milestone, A Continuing Adventure
We left our quite anchorage
just after sunrise for our 50 mile trek to Beaufort. My morning
ritual usually consists of fixing the boys a simple breakfast such as
oatmeal or cereal, brushing their teeth and getting them dressed.
Pierre is at the helm, coffee in hand, listening to CNN on the radio. This
morning the news is focused on the 40th anniversary of John F.
Kennedy’s death. It’s hard to forget my birthday when it falls
on JFK’s anniversary. I can’t believe I’m 40 today.
While motoring along the ICW
a passing boat yelled “You’ve got dolphins.” I looked forward
to see two dolphins surfing off our bow. The boys and I stood on the
bow sprit and watched them frolic in our wake for close to 10
minutes. What a great birthday present!
We took advantage of the
clear sunny day by sanding the teak rails on our deck and applying a coat
of varnish while underway. We never seem to have time to get it done
while at a port so this was a great opportunity to make some headway.
It was late afternoon when
we dropped anchor south of the Lady’s Island Bridge off downtown Beaufort. The anchorage was picturesque with views of
Bay Street and its stout moss-filled oaks and historic plantation homes.
We celebrated my birthday that
evening with our friends Sue and Ron and their children, Owen and Rachel.
It was a fun night that included bottle rockets and a sparkler display
thanks to Ron and the kids.
I’m glad I was able to celebrate my
momentous leap into middle age with good friends. |
23-24th, 2003
Another Mail Call
Thomas and Patrick spent the
night at Sue and Ron’s house which
gave Pierre and me the morning to clean up the boat and go through our
mail. We usually get our mail
every three or four weeks. We’ve been using St. Brendan Isle’s
mail service and for a small fee every month, they collect our mail, sort
out the junk and send it on demand. The cost of shipping can be
expensive, especially because of our magazines, but it is a convenient way
to deal with the mail and they can ship it to us in a couple days.
We usually try and ship it to a friend’s house but many marina’s will
hold your mail if they are notified.
Sue, Ron and family came out
to the dock to meet us for a tour of the boat. While on the dock, we
heard a man cussing loudly from his sailboat which was anchored a few feet
away. We learned that he had an outboard engine on a bracket which
had just broken, dumping the engine into the drink. I guess his
explicatives were justified.
We had plans to leave
Beaufort the next morning but a quick trip to the library took longer than
expected and before we knew it, it was afternoon.
We ended up back at Sue’s, watching movies into the night.
25th, 2003
Ralph Gets No Privacy.
We couldn’t leave the
Beaufort area without visiting Port Royal Landing Marina, just two miles
south of town. This is where our trip commenced five months
ago. It’s amazing that almost a half-year has gone by.
was nice to see the friendly marina crew again; Donna Butler, Larry Hines
and the owner, Tom Wilson.
This marina is an exceptional place to
keep a boat and they really made us feel at home. They
have first-class facilities, a well-stocked marine store, restaurant and a
courtesy car. |
We reached the sea buoy at Port Royal Sound around
3 p.m.
and plotted a course for our offshore trip to Fernandina
Beach. We expect to arrive by early morning.
The light wind was directly
behind us, making for a rocky night. I tried to fight off the seasickness
but once again it came. When I was leaning over the rail, about to
get sick, I glanced back to see Pierre and the boys staring intently at
me. A person can’t even get sick in private. I have a few
different over-the-counter and prescription seasickness remedies but
don’t use them because I don’t like the drowsiness side effect.
Luckily, once I get sick I feel a little better.
November 26th, 2003
Timucuan Preserve
There were several dolphins
swimming around us when came into St. Mary’s Inlet, just north of Fernandina
Beach. Cumberland Island was just off our starboard bow. It was
early morning when we arrived at the fuel dock at Fernandina, a colorful
historic town. We took on about 40 gallons of diesel, topped off our
water and ate a quick breakfast in town before continuing on. I
would have loved to have spent some time on Cumberland
but we needed to press on as we were trying to get to Jacksonville Beach by Thanksgiving morning. We wanted to leave the boat at a marina
there and drive over to Brooksville, FL
to spend Thanksgiving with my family.
We left the ICW
George River
with plans to anchor off the Kingsley Plantation, a Timucuan Preserve
under the National Park Service. There was a free dock that
was part of the preserve that allowed vessels to tie up for an
hour. It was early afternoon so we thought we could tie up and
get another coat of varnish on our rails. After applying the
varnish, I walked up to the Plantation house which dates to 1798. There were ruins of twenty-three
slave cabins which were made of an oyster shell concrete. I
couldn’t believe families actually lived there. The
plantation was impressive but the slave cabins were a real
eye-opener for me. |
After getting permission
from a park ranger, we decided to spend the night on the dock so we could
make a quick exit in the morning and dash the twelve miles down to Beach
Marine. Thanks to my Uncle John and Cousin Johnny, our van would be
waiting for us so we could make it to Brooksville for Thanksgiving.
Our goal was to leave the marina by 10 a.m.
November 27th, 2003
Day With Family
We were up by
6:30 a.m.
, ready to shove off the dock, only to discover that we were fogged
in. So much for our precise planning. We thought we had
everything covered in order to make it to Thanksgiving on time.
Getting fogged in never even crossed our mind. It was frustrating
knowing there was nothing we could do.
We waited three hours before the fog cleared enough for us to make
it safely to Beach Marine. We hadn’t showered in a few days so the
boys and I were able to take a quick shower while underway. Pierre
wasn’t as fortunate. We arrived at the marina by early afternoon,
threw our bags in the van and made it to my sister’s house just as they
were carving the turkey.
It’s been eight months
since we’ve seen my family so the boys were extremely excited to see
their grandparents, aunt and uncle and cousins. In addition to a
wonderful Thanksgiving meal, I was surprised with a birthday cake and
gifts. It seems to be a tradition now that I receive a thrill-seeker
gift when I hit a major milestone. For my 30th birthday,
my gift was a tandem skydiving jump; now, for my 40th, it’s a
day at a race car driving school. I love speed and thrill-seeking
activities which is why I sometimes question what I’m doing on a
sailboat that travels six knots. I’ve had to program my brain to
accept this slow-paced life, which at times, hasn’t been easy.
I’ve met many people who wonder if they could be a long term
cruiser. Having an easy-going, flexible and low maintenance
personality is beneficial for this lifestyle. Living in close
quarters day in and day out can be tough for some people. Pierre and
I do great together which I attribute to giving each other sufficient
space when the opportunity arises. He may take the boys to shore
with him for a couple hours or I might send him off to shore on his own to
explore. It’s crucial to have some time alone when possible.
Having crew that mesh is important as
learned from his days as a delivery skipper. All it takes is one
slightly uptight person to take the harmony and cadence out of a passage.
Being a nomad also takes
getting used to. This east coast trip has been a whirlwind for
us. We covered a lot of ground and usually moved every couple days,
rarely spending a week in one place. Sometimes it feels like a
vacation that never ends. We’ve discussed this and feel that
things might be easier once we can spend a month or more in one
place. There are times where I miss the routine of living in a home,
such as barbequing in the backyard or visiting with the neighbors, but our
existence now affords us things that can’t be attained from the
traditional lifestyle. Experiencing new places, meeting people from
all walks of life and dealing with the elements that nature dishes out
gives living a new meaning.
November 28-30th, 2003
Time Ashore Catching Up With Family And Friends
Spending the weekend with my
family gave us a nice break from our boating life. Eating lots of
good food, having the boys entertained by their cousin Forrest and seeing
old-time family friends made for a very enjoyable visit.
I would have loved to have spent more time with my family but we needed to
get back to Victoria, who was
sitting at a slip at Beach Marine. At $55 a day, we wanted to try
and shove off by Sunday afternoon but by the time we got back to the boat,
it was too late to make it to an anchorage so we decided to spend one more
night. For me, staying in a marina is nice because of the amenities
that come with it, such as showers, laundry facilities and internet
access. As fulltime cruisers, marina’s are a luxury and a place we
rarely spend time. Purchasing
a new dinghy and outboard at the start of our journey was money well
spent. Since we anchor out most of the time, we needed something
reliable to get us into shore. The 10-foot hard bottom dinghy and 8
hp Nissan engine was an excellent choice for us. We use it as
frequently as one uses their car. It makes us feel good knowing we
can anchor for free and be within a short dinghy ride to interesting