1st, 2003
Bubble Rock Summit
We got another early
start, this time hiking to the top of Bubble Rock, a steep 872 foot climb to the
summit which gave us incredible views of Jordon Pond and Eagle
The boys had fun
testing their agility climbing the rocks.
shuttle took us to the other side of the park where we had a picnic lunch
on a rocky cliff overlooking the ocean. |
October 4th, 2003
Old Man Winter Knocks
much as we wanted to continue exploring Maine, we knew that cold days were right around the corner and we had a long trip
ahead of us. We were very fortunate to have extremely good weather while
in Maine
but a recent cold front gave us the kick we needed to get moving. One
morning we woke up and it was 45 degrees in the boat – needless to say our
long underwear came in handy.
left NE harbor on a beautiful, sunny day with a forecast of 20-25 knots from the
south. This didn’t seem to be too threatening as we were going due west
and in the lee of a lot of islands. WRONG. A few hours later we were
hit with sustained winds of 30-35 knots with gusts a little over 40.
Luckily we already had a couple reefs in the main. We had two or three
hours of exhilarating sailing. We found refuge a couple hours later in
Carter’s Cove, on the eastern end of Vinalhaven. I was amazed at how
calm and protected these waters were when just around the corner were violent
waves and winds.
were the only boat in this quaint cove.
October 5th, 2003
were up early and sailed a full day to Port Clyde, the small fishing
village we stopped at on the way up. Once again, towards the end of
our day, we were faced with high winds and seas. This time the wind and
current was against our nose and so we were only making two knots across
the bottom. Luckily we were almost to our destination.
was cold and windy and I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw a
windsurfer off in the distance. Who would be crazy enough to be
windsurfing in Maine
in October?
We pulled into
the town dock at Port Clyde, refueled and filled our water tanks.
After picking up some groceries at the small general store, we ordered a
pizza and went back to the boat for dinner.
We were beat and looked forward to a good night’s sleep. |
on a boat is a lot like camping. Once it gets dark there isn’t a lot to
do so we end up in bed often by 9 p.m. Sleep deprivation is not an issue unless
we do an all night sail.
6th - 13th, 2003
Vodka and Young Women
were now on a push to get down to the Cape Cod canal. We left Port Clyde in the morning and had a perfect day of sailing with
calm seas and decent wind. We continued on through the night, doing 3 hour
shifts. Around
1 a.m.
I could see the loom of Boston
in the distance. I thought how they must be celebrating the Red Sox win
2 a.m.
, the wind died and we were crawling along at 2 knots when I decided to start
the engine. Pierre
awoke immediately and we both were puzzled by a low whining sound coming from
the engine. We shut it off and
checked the fluid levels and belts which were okay. After starting it up
again, the noise gradually diminished. Another mechanical mystery to
solve. More deferred maintenance which is not a good thing.
made it to the entrance of the Cape Cod canal
by first light and into South Dartmouth
by early afternoon. We picked up a mooring at the New Bedford Yacht Club
and their launch service took us to shore. We had a nice walk through the
small town before heading back to the boat.
had breakfast at a local diner and on the launch ride back we met a 93 year-old
gentleman with a considerable younger wife who were going for a sail on their
Concordia Yawl. He said they cruise Maine
every year. He managed quite well getting on and off the boat. He
told Pierre
his secret to longevity was a nip of vodka everyday and being married to a
younger woman. Pierre
was happy to hear that and immediately went out and purchased a quart of vodka.
plan was to sail to Newport,
today but high seas and strong headwinds prevented us from getting there so we
detoured to Cutty Hunk, one of the Elizabeth
Island’s off of
Martha’s Vineyard
believes the problem with the whining engine noise is coming from our fresh
water cooling pump and has ordered another pump from Rich at V-12 engineering
which should be in New York
when we arrive.
a quite night on a mooring in Cutty Hunk, we sailed over to
RI. Newport
is a mecca for boating enthusiasts. We were able to anchor near the
town’s wharfs. The place was bustling with boats and tourists from
cruise ships. We spent three nights here. We had our fill of hanging
out in local bars watching baseball and
football. We enjoyed the Cliff walk which is a paved trail which offers
views of the coast and spectacular mansions.
were both impressed and inspired by the Seamen’s Church Institute. This
catholic run facility on the Wharf has provided services to fishermen,
merchantmen, yachtsmen and the needy for many years and is a tradition
here. We had showers for $2 each. It was the best shower I had
experienced in over a month. We then had a nice, inexpensive breakfast in
their dining room. They had a small
chapel with magnificent murals upstairs. There were photos with narratives on
the walls throughout the building of seamen who had perished. It was a
very moving place.
left Newport
on Sunday morning and sailed 16 hours, arriving at Oyster Bay
on Long Island Sound at
1 a.m.
It was crucial that we made it to City
by Tuesday morning because a front was arriving with forecasted winds to 40
October 14th, 2003
Storming New York
were greeted with a spectacular sunrise as we cruised out of
Oyster Bay
on our way to City
Island. We arrived at the Consolidated boat yard on City
10:30 a.m.
We picked up a boat slip at the yard. Since there were gale warnings
for the next two days and since we knew we were going into New York City, we decided tie up at the dock.
Pierre’s friend Jeff is a rigger at the boat yard and had made arrangements
for our dockage.
is a part of the Bronx
and is a good 35 minutes drive into downtown Manhattan.
gale force winds arrived just as predicted. We recorded gusts at 53
mph. and the boat at times heeled 30 degrees at the dock.
were excited to see our family and friends in New York City. John Sussek, the best man in our
wedding, and his wife Lydia
invited us over for dinner. The view from their 28th floor
high rise in the financial district is incredible. We had a wonderful dinner and
visit and it was fun to see baby Johnny again.
They were leaving town on Thursday for a week and they offered us their
place for as long as we wanted. This was a big help to us since it would
be tough to get to and from NYC from City
every day.
15th- 21st, 2003
It's Happening Again
spent most of the next two days working on the boat. I worked on
correcting an electrical problem which caused our port side lights to go out and
replaced the water pump. I was anxious to get back into the city but Pierre
wanted to keep working on the boat.
drove back to town in John’s car and then took the subway to have dinner at
Betty and her husband Peter. Betty is Pierre’s niece and they have a daughter Emily who is in the second grade.
Pierre’s nieces Emily and Robin and their friends John Thomas and Matt were also
there. It was a fun night. The boys loved playing with all of
Emily’s toys, especially her trains.
was late when we got home but we saw the last two innings of the Yankees-Red
Sox’s game 7. You could here the horns honking all over town when the
game ended.
is so nice to be on land. We loved being able to sit in bed and watch TV,
take showers and use the internet at will. Our week in New York
was fun filled. We walked through
Central Park, spent some time at the Natural History Museum and played with the boys at a
wonderful playground at Battery Park, which overlooks the
Hudson River
and the Statue of Liberty. Pierre
even did some sailing on John Thomas in Emily’s boat in New York
harbor. Robin and Matt came out to City
to see our boat on Monday and then we had another nice dinner with Peter and
Betty. Their cute and energetic daughter Emily presented the boys with an
art kit and drawing books. The boys love to color so this will keep them
entertained for hours. Thanks Emily!
site was two blocks from John’s place. I could only imagine what the
streets were like here on Sept. 11th. Now, they are filled with
tourists with video camera’s, peering through a chain linked fence which
surrounds the gaping hole where the towers once stood and street vendors hawking
sweat shirts with NYPD and NYFD emblems. Engine Company #10’s fire
station sits across from the Twin
site but is vacant now.
all ended up with colds a couple days into our trip here so being able to relax
in a nice place and not have to worry about the daily grind of boat life was
much appreciated.
and John Thomas treated us to a night out, babysitting the boys so we were able
to go see Mystic
River, the first movie we had seen in over four months. They also took us out
to a quaint Italian restaurant in their East
week in New York
was special. Pierre and I look at each other and sometimes say “It’s
happened again". What have we done to deserve all this hospitality and
kindness? We are so lucky.’’ Once again, our friends and
relatives have gone way past the point of normal hospitality. We just hope
that someday we can reciprocate.
October 22nd, 2003
Plans To Move On
are heading back to the boat tonight and will plan on leaving tomorrow for Cape May,
NJ, weather permitting. This should take about 24 hours. We’ll spend a
night in Cape May
and then head to
where we plan to spend a week or more exploring the upper Chesapeake.
October 23rd, 2003
Ride With The Tide
important to catch the right tide when leaving City
Island. If we left on an opposing tide, it could double the time it takes for us
to get out of New York.
said if we left by 10:30 a.m.
we would be okay.
had a lot to do before we could depart this morning. We didn’t arrive to
the boat until late last night as Pierre and I vowed not to leave John’s place until we finished our journal.
still has to change the oil and fuel filters and I have to go grocery shopping
and return John’s car to a safe place in New Rochelle
where he can pick it up when he returns.
were all scurrying around but managed to leave the dock by
10:30 a.m.
The current on the
East River
was swift as we motored along at 7-8 knots. There was a lot of action
around here. Planes from LaGuardia were taking off, helicopters hovered
above us and ferries, water taxi’s and tugs pulling barges occupied the river
with us.
pointed out the Brooklyn
to Thomas and Patrick. A couple days ago we walked across this bridge and
ate pizza at Grimaldi’s, touted as one of the best pizza places in New York.
was a magnificent sight as we approached the skyscrapers of Manhattan. Our heads were turning all around as we made the turn toward the
Bridge. We had the majestic Statue of Liberty to starboard, a large orange
Staten Island Ferry passing us to port and Manhattan
looming off our stern, in addition to several cargo ships and freighters
entering the harbor.
put a second reef in the main before we turned south toward the Verrazano
Narrows Bridge. The forecast was for 15-20 knot NW winds but we now had sustained winds
of 25-30 knots. These weren’t the most ideal conditions to leave in but
the forecast for the next several days had the wind blowing from the SW.
I’m learning the importance of wind direction. If we left with a SW wind
it would mean a bumpier, slower ride and we would have to motor since the wind
would be against us.
were scooting along at 7-8 knots under sail and looked forward to getting around
Sandy Hook
and having some lee which will mean calmer waters. We are making great
time and should be in
Cape May
in 24 hours or less.
was cold and overcast and temperatures were dropping into the low 30’s.
Pierre and I decided to do two hour shifts during the night. I had on my
long underwear, two layers of clothes, my foul weather gear, fleece gloves and a
hat and I was still cold. I loved using the autopilot because I could curl
up the corner of the cockpit and still watch out for traffic but get out of the
cold wind.
October 24th, 2003
Friendship Across The Language Barrier
4 a.m.
when we pass Atlantic City. It looks like a mini Las Vegas
with its array of lights. The winds were sustained at 20-25 knots.
arrived at
Cape May
9:30 a.m.
and dropped anchor. We sailed the entire trip, once out of New York
harbor. Our max speed was over 9 knots, the fastest I’ve seen on this boat
noticed we had lost two battens during the trip. Oh well, something else to
and Patrick were full of energy, having had a full night’s sleep. Pierre
and I were exhausted and managed to take a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. We
decided not to put the dinghy in the water and go to town because we were
planning to leave for Annapolis
3 a.m.
We needed to have the tide in our favor going up the Delaware Bay
which is why we had to leave so early. We were hoping to make it all the
way to Annapolis, another 24 hour trip.
saw a sailboat with a Norwegian flag pull into the anchorage. It was Hermine.
We saw this boat in Cutty Hunk and then again in Newport. We talked to them in
and learned that they bought the Dutch made boat in Plymouth, Mass and were sailing it to the
with their 9 and 10 year old son and daughter. I hailed them on the radio
and invited them over to our boat once they got settled.
had a nice visit with Eva and Andres and their children. I could imagine
the language barrier was tough for them. Eva spoke pretty good English but
Andres was not as fluent.
was able to help them a little bit with route options to the Caribbean
. They thought about leaving with us at
3 a.m.
but then decided to stay.
October 25th, 2003
Passing Ships
We were up by
2 a.m.
and motoring out the
Cape May
breakwater by
3 a.m.
It was tough getting out of my warm bunk when the alarm went off but at
least it wasn’t as cold as last night.
was at the helm while Pierre
navigated. By
5 a.m.
we were in the Delaware Bay
and I retreated down below for a two hour nap. The bay was like a lake
this morning, much different than when we passed though here on our way up and I
was heaving over the side.
was around
1 p.m.
when we exited the C & D canal and entered the northern
Chesapeake Bay
. The bay was filled with recreational sailors enjoying the sunny
day. The winds were SW at 10-15 knots so we had to motor sail.
didn’t get into Annapolis
11 p.m.
never slept the entire trip. When he dropped the main he saw a good size
tear in the leech of the sail. We’ll have to get that repaired while
we’re here.
October 26th, 2003
Isabel Attended Annapolis
was foggy and overcast when I poked my head out the cockpit this morning.
I could see the slanted mast of a sailboat against the rocks along the Naval
seawall. A remnant of Hurricane Isabel I assumed. Annapolis
was hit hard. I could only imagine what it was like to see the water
level above the seawall and into the
Academy’s science center. The tide here was reported to be 7.5 feet above
normal during the storm.
in Deltaville, the place we stayed in July, faired well but the Deltaville
Marina was wiped out.
plan is to stay in Annapolis
for about 10 days and explore the upper Chesapeake
and do some work on the boat.
A friend put us in touch with a couple (Mike and
Blair) who live on Clements Creek, just up the
Severn River
They have a neighborhood marina and have arranged for us to stay at a
dock there.
we motored up the Severn River
we passed a Hinckley sailboat and Pierre
noticed that his friend George was at the helm. He yelled to him and the
boat turned around. George and his wife Joan live on the Chesapeake
south of Deale and were up here for a Hinckley weekend rendezvous. We hope to see them again on our sail south.
was waiting for us at the slip when we arrived. The small, picturesque
Downs Marina was surrounded by hilltops covered trees whose leaves were
blossoming in fall color. What a great spot.
van was at Peter and Susan Kane’s house in Manassas,
VA. I asked Blair if she knew of a rental car place nearby and she offered us
her car. I couldn’t believe this woman, whom we just met, would give us
her car to drive 1 ½ hours to Manassas
. She also said we could take showers at her house and do laundry when
needed since the marina did not have these facilities.
arrived at the Kane’s by late afternoon. We hadn’t had a shower in
four days so it was nice to take a long hot shower there and visit with
Susan. Peter was at their river house which was also hit hard by Hurricane
Isabel – several downed trees, one which went through their roof.
October 27th, 2003
War Stories Time
was nice to have our van back. We spent the rainy, dreary day running
errands and hanging out on the boat. The port lights were not working
again so I spent part of the afternoon trying to figure out the cause.
ran into his friend Brad Miller at Fawcett’s Marine store. Brad had
sailed Bandera from Maine
to be here for boat show and to have some work done on the boat. It was a
fun night listening to Pierre and Brad tell stories from their sailing delivery
days while eating cheeseburgers. Brad also gave me some ideas for
troubleshooting the port light problem we were having.
told me I would be in charge of anything electrical that went wrong on the boat
before we left on this sailing excursion and he would take care of the diesel
engine. I took three DC (direct current) classes at DeKalb Tech the year
before we left in hopes of having a better understanding of it all. I’ve
done okay with simple repairs such as replacing bad switches or finding and
replacing corroded wires but am still overwhelmed by the more complicated
things. It would be nice to have a mentor to give me some hands-on
training. So for now, we are using oil lamps to give us more light in the
cabin until I can figure out the source of the problem.
October 28th - November 5th, 2003
A Bit Of Shore
nice having our boat at a dock again. It’s so easy to step off the boat
and into our van and go wherever we want. We took a day trip to
where I was able to meet up with my friend Brenda and her two year-old daughter
Molly. We took the kids to the Baltimore National Aquarium while
browsed the waterfront shops. By evening, we were in
having a wonderful dinner out with Peter and Susan while their daughter Jenny
entertained the boy’s. This was our first meal without the boy’s since we
left Atlanta.
still hadn’t solved the problem with the port cabin light’s so I decided to
call a marine electrician. It would be expensive but I hoped that in addition to
solving the problem he might also be able to teach me a little about
troubleshooting. I got John Lovell’s name from someone at Fawcett’s
Marine store in
Annapolis. John is a young guy who lives on a boat and started doing electrical
work on boats a few years ago. He worked fast and explained things to me
as he went along. He discovered that the short was due to wires on a
reading light in our cabin that had been twisted so the point of breakage.
He also found that corroded wires in our anchor locker were the cause of our
port running light not working. He did such a great job I planned to have
him come back in a few days to help me with a few other things.
was very gracious in letting us use her house for doing laundry, connecting to
the internet and taking showers when needed. It was good to be in a
neighborhood where the boys could go to the playground and ride scooters.
Halloween was approaching and we decided to drive to
and be with my PA friends Laura, Nadine and Sue. We planned this get
together over a month ago, hoping that we would have made it to South Carolina
by now, but since we couldn’t get there by boat, we decided it would be wise
to drive our van down. Ultimately, we will need to get our van to
St. Petersburg,
FL, where we plan to be for month or so working on the boat and visiting with my
drove 10 hours on Halloween and made it to Beaufort just before dusk and
in time for the boys to trick-or-treat. Laura had costumes for the boys so
we were all set. |
scene was a bit crazy with six children and seven adults in the same house for
the weekend. Sue and her husband Ron just moved from San Diego
to Beaufort a couple months ago. They gave Pierre and me their master
bedroom for the weekend which had spectacular views of the sunset over the saw grass
laden bay. We had a fun-filled weekend with kayaking, biking, watching
football and visiting with friends. The boys loved playing with other kids
for a change. Nadine, the single one of the group, flew in from
Montana. She was great entertaining the
kids and giving the parents a break for a change. Nadine planned to drive
down to
Sunday night and agreed to take our van to my Uncle John’s house. This was good as it was one step closer to
St. Petersburg. Sue would meet Nadine later in the week and drive her back to Beaufort.
rented a car and made it back to
Annapolis Monday afternoon in time to visit my friend Leigh. She lives in
and drove to the marina to see us. I hadn’t seen her for many years so
it was nice reconnecting with her.
night we went to the U.S. Naval Academy to meet with
Pierre’s niece Jan, a second year midshipman. We ate pizza on a deck
overlooking the academy’s indoor ice skating rink. Thomas and Patrick
had never seen anyone ice skate before so this was a special treat for
them. Jan is a friendly, petite girl who swam competitively growing up but
doesn’t look like your typical bulky athlete. I asked her how many
push-ups she could do and she replied “Not that many. I can only do about 85
in two minutes.” I thought most people I know probably hadn’t done
that many in their lifetime, much less in two minutes. She said some of
the men at the Academy can do almost twice that.
finally got to meet Mike Doyle, Blair’s husband. He had just returned
where he was involved in a rebuilding project. Unfortunately, he had a
bad virus and was in bed for a day with a high fever but still managed to drag
himself down to the marina to meet us. It was because of him that we were
able to stay in this slip so it was nice to introduce ourselves and thank
him. Mike and Blair have lived in many places all over the world and had a
house full of artifacts from their travels. We enjoyed a nice dinner with
them and exchanging stories about our travels. They also have a sailboat
and have cruised extensively in
had taken our ripped mainsail to Doyle Sails for repair and was told that at
best it might last another year. Maybe. We decided to shop around for a
new main as we didn’t want it to fail when we needed it the most (i.e. In a
storm). Pierre
started getting quotes for a full battened, approximately 400 sq ft. three reef
mainsail. We decided to go with a
Neil Pryde loft in Connecticut
as their prices were reasonable, they seemed knowledgeable and had good
recommendations. A local representative came down and took the
measurements and said they would ship it to us in route in 2-3 weeks.
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