In honor of my dad.
He was a tough man,
but he gave me many
values and taught me
many lessons of life.
All who knew Butch or
met him on occasional
sailing outings will miss
him. He was a rare man
with few equals. It was
his zest for life, drive and
ambition that gave him
solace, none of which
were lost on his sons.
We wish him peace
for his pain and
suffering has ended.

Clarence Lee Crumbley
"A man of many interests who helped all whom asked".
-West Fulton High Alumni -LLB: John Marshall Law School. -Pilot: Civil Air Patrol. -U.S. Treasury Agent. -Volunteer Probation Officer. -Jimmy Carter's Friendship Force U.S. Ambassador 1990-2004. -Lions Club: Past President -Mr. "Fix It" Handyman.