Navigation Classes |
For years
we've offered 3 excellent weekday evenings of classroom Coastal
Last season we added a 5-hour
classroom lab and
this season added a 2-hour daytime navigation outing plus a 2-hour
night time navigation outing.
following classes represent our excellent sequence of navigation
Coastal Navigation_a:
Core fundamentals and basic
navigation theory.
Coastal Navigation_b:
Intensive lab consisting of
chart plotting of five
separate "paper cruises".
Coastal Navigation_c:
A 2-hr boating navigation
outing to practice Line of Position, Bow/Beam Bearing & Swinging
Ship's Compass for
Deviation Determination
using hand held and electronic navigation tools.
Coastal Navigation_n:
A two-hour boating navigation
outing to practice night time navigation using lighted Radio Towers,
Water Towers
and Cell Tower LOPS. Each of these
courses is unique and unmatched by any other school in Georgia and
exceeds the context of most other navigation programs around the
We've also
added labs ("_b") and hands on-the-water ("_c") classes to our
Celestial Navigation curriculum making our complete set of
navigation courses the most comprehensive and thorough programs
Being on
the lake after sunset is a totally new and potentially frightening
experience for most boaters. All these programs were designed
to properly prepare students for safe and comfortable transiting
after dark. |
More New
Classes |
are many topics taught during our 2 hours Sailing Outing classes.
Our Clinics provide more extensive and focused training and practice
that may not be possible during a general Sailing Outing class.
This BASIC anchoring clinic
will provide understanding and practice for picking ideal anchoring
sites, getting the hook down safely, keeping it there until you're
ready to leave, anchor watch tips & easy retrieval methods.
This ADVANCED anchoring
clinic will provide understanding and practice with multiple anchor
Bow/Stern, and Mediterranean techniques.
MANEUVERING I - This BASIC clinic provides practice in boat handling & maneuvering
including power turning, holding position against wind and current
and picking up a mooring.
MANEUVERING II - This ADVANCED clinic provides extended
practice in boat handling & maneuvering including turns in confined
spaces; K-Turns, backing and use of prop walk and other advanced boat
handling techniques.
- This BASIC clinic offers practice at docking and departing
safely, proactively and considering a variety of conditions and
This ADVANCED clinic offers extensive practice at docking
backwards and using prop
walk proactively and considering a variety
of conditions and approaches.
- Flying the spinnaker
is the ultimate thrill, when done properly. This clinic covers all
aspects of preparation, packing, setting, jibing and dousing the
chute. |
Membership With BKB Certification |
October 1st, when you complete an A.S.A. Basic Keelboat
Certification, a $39 one-time "Certification Fee" will be added to the
cost of the exam. This fee is passed along to A.S.A. to
provide A.S.A membership and free subscriptions to Sailing Magazine and
American Sailing Journal. Each student will
receive a certification card and online account in addition to
valuable discount coupons good for merchandise at local marine
stores. A.S.A. will in turn establish an online database file
for each student so that they can monitor and maintain their
personal training and certification information. This
database will be available to charter ParticipationGuidelines.htmas a means to verify
customer certifications and sailing resumes. |
Christmas Gift
Certificates |
We've had so many
calls about Gift Certificates the past 2 weeks that
we've created a web page just to answer the common
questions as well as suggest some gift "Packages"
for a variety of recreational and holiday budgets.
Gift Certificates
For More Info)
If you have
a "difficult" person
on your shopping list for this season, what better
way to share some holiday joy than to invite them to
join you sailing next season by giving them the gift
of sailing.
If you're that
"difficult" person
on someone else's holiday list, suggest that they
give you sailing certificates, the gift that
provides a life time of memories and joy!
2008 Web
Calendar Of Classes Is There! |
The first quarter's classes are already posted to the web.
Price increases are inevitable but still unknown at the time of this
newsletter. Here's the deal, once a student signs up for and
pays for any classes, we can not make price increases
retro-active. Once the final contracts are signed and the new
prices for 2008 are posted to the web, they will take affect
immediately. Tell your relatives and friends to purchase
Christmas Gift Certificates at this year's rates for use next
season. Gift Certificates do not become subject to price
increases for courses! |
Credit Card
Purchases |
We Accept:
Many of our
customers find it more convenient to authorize payment for their
classes via their charge card.
If you would like to arrange authorization to use charge cards, you'll
need to print the authorization form from our web "Forms"
area, sign the authorization and mail it to us. For added
safety you can omit your security code and expiration date then phone
or email those to us separately.
As a
reminder, payments for ground school classes are due 4 weeks prior
to class. If you
wish to charge payments, credit card authorizations must be received
by our office at least 4 days prior to Sailing Outings and 4
weeks prior to Ground School Class dates. Once we have your
authorization on file you can use card payments at any time for
subsequent classes.
To ensure
the highest confidentiality and safety for your Credit Card
information, charge payments CAN NOT be accepted in the class room or when
boarding the boats. Your information is stored in an encrypted
and password protected database which is only accessible by our
financial officer who personally processes all credit card payments. |
Stories |
enjoys a good "Sailing" story, particularly when they're factual.
It doesn't get any more factual than the Sailing Stories of our
students have posted on our web site for the benefit of other
students and sailors. This year we are sponsoring another cruising couple
as they begin their voyage. We join their story as they purchase
an Island Packet 38, sell their house and move to Florida.
You'll have to go check out their story and come back each couple of
weeks for updates.
Mary & Roy Stegall | |
There is no
question, the lake levels have been dropping, but with the absence of
the Powerboat traffic, the lake is just ideal for sailors; who know what
they're doing. We've moved
of the boats to deeper docks, but all else is fine!
We've moved the
Colgate further out dock ZB and moved the Trimaran from dock Y over to
ZB where deeper water exists.
Windsong has
operated previously at similar elevations and has
nearly 30 years of experience boating on Lanier, so we are confident
that we will continue affording students the opportunity to continue
their training through the season as normal.
Come see Lanier as
few others have ever seen it before! Discover Sailing and an
historical side of Lanier all at the same time.
To track the
lake's conditions visit: for daily levels. |